All I picture is a bunch of people slowly moving their bikes trying not to hit each other. lol I guess it's not thaaat funy because you could have gotten hurt Andy!!! Being under the influence while riding amoped is walking a dangerous line!!! LOL I'm just playing
I'm sorry your friends ended up being fake on your birthday. At least you had fun and made other friends in the process. Take care!
chibi andy
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/01/10 | Reply
hahaha yeah well its late at night and there wont be anyone driving on campus........... well except for us and our mopeds hahaha
yeah well i didnt care, my classmates turned out to be more of a friend than my friends did so now i just hang out with my classmates instead haha
Senior Otaku | Posted 12/01/10 | Reply
All I picture is a bunch of people slowly moving their bikes trying not to hit each other. lol I guess it's not thaaat funy because you could have gotten hurt Andy!!! Being under the influence while riding amoped is walking a dangerous line!!! LOL I'm just playing
I'm sorry your friends ended up being fake on your birthday. At least you had fun and made other friends in the process. Take care!