Feathers and Hogwarts

Suddenly, Mokona immerged half-suffocated from the suitcase Fai had aquired in the previous world." Mokona not heard anything for long time! And then it got all stuffy and I--" Kurogane stuffed his fist in Mokona's mouth. Then he shrieked in pain.

"Damn it! Get your baby teeth out of my hand!" He said while he shook his arm wildly through the air.

"Come now, Kuro-pipi, " Fai said sagely, "you probably would have chomped down on someone's knuckles if they stuck their fist into your mouth!

Kurogane, not hearing him, continued to throttle Mokona, but it was clear that the creature was thoroughly enjoying himself. A boy in green snickered at the ridiculous scene. "That is one sick owl!" His two friends laughed and exchanged stupid looks.

"Ha! You hear that?" Kurogane inquired." They think that you're an owl! I guess you could be.... That is if in your past you had been marked for road kill and mutated into a rabbit who slowly took on the features of a manju bun."

Mokona joked with him. "It was so very tragic!"

A weak voice tunneled through the Great Hall. "Silence!" All the whispering ended. "Now, are you first years whom we missed?"

Everyone looked at the important man to whom the voice belonged. He wore half moon specktacles, emerald robes, and a long silver beard that hung down to his waist. He looks like Santa Clause, Kurogane mused.

One girl smiled at the two whom Syaoran had previously overheard. " First years? Maybe the sleepy girl and that boy but the two men?" She shook her head doubtfully.

Sakura was about to ask what he meant, but Syaoran answered instead. "Yes, we are first years."

"Then," said the wise looking man, " you and the girl must put on the sorting hat."