Feathers and Hogwarts

Hesitantly, Syaoran took Sakura's hand and led her toward that place where the man had indicated. Syaoran stared at a very unattrative hat, covered in multiple patches and fraying seams. He slowly put it on his head, and, to his surprise, the hat spoke. "Albus Dumbledore nearly missed you, eh? So now that you're here, where shall I put you? Hmmm... yes, you have a very noble heart. I'd say Griffindor is the best place for you." Syaoran pulled the hat off and handed it to Sakura.

"There are a lot of questions in this head," The hat remarked," but you will be best in Hufflepuff!"

After the applause from the other students, Syaoran and Sakura were directed to sit on opposite sides of the room. Syaoran sat next to the three girls whom he had heard talking, and looked toward Sakura longingly. This isnt good, Syaoran thought. We shouldn't be separated. "Hey!" The pink haired girl said, trying to get his attention. "I'm Sakura Haruno, and these two are Ino and Rukia."

"Syaoran Li," He answered, introducing himself. He then turned his gaze back to Kurogane and Fai, who were awkwardly approaching Dumbledore.

"You sir," Dumbledore was asking Fai, "are you the new defense against the dark arts teacher whom we sent for?"

"Why, yes I am! And the man in black here is--"

"Kurogane!" Kurogane interjected, finishing Fai's sentence.

"I wonder how long THIS one will last," came a snide remark from the Slytherin table.

Kurogane heard Fai gulp. "Please," said Dumbledore calmly," take the third staircase to the upper levels of the school. Your office will be on the second door to the right." Fai placed Mokona on his shoulder and with a smile pushed Kurogane through the fifth door on the left. Syaoran had a sneaking feeling that the two new professors were going to get lost.

Sakura was resting at the Hufflepuff table with her eyes closed and her head down. Waking with a start, she made the boy next to her jump. "Have a bad dream?" He asked with concern in his voice.

Sakura nodded. "I'm sorry, I always fall asleep."

The boy smiled. "It was a long trip to get here, so of course we're all tired."

"Attention all students!" Dumbledore announced, " Before the the banquet let me remind you all that this is a very promising year, and I hope to see everyone earning lots of points for their house. Also, I say this every year, but the Forbidden forest is most certainly off limits and no one may wander from their dormitories after dark. And finally, quidditch tryouts will be held after school on Wednesday. That is all." Dumbledore clapped his hands together, and food instantly appeared on every plate.

Syaoran realized how hungry he was and began to eat all of the strange and tasty foods. When he was full, he looked over to where Sakura was and saw she had only taken a few bites. He sighed. Being in different houses was going to make finding her feathers difficult. That is, if there even are any feathers here, Syaoran thought grimly.