Hullo Dearies, and Welcome to my third and favorite World! For those of you who have no idea what a 'lemon' really is, it may be best if you just leave now with your innocence intact. If you are familiar with the sourness of good fanfiction sex scene, then please, enjoy!

In every post I will feature a link to a fanfiction from any Anime that contains a well written/thought out lemon in yaoi, yuri, or het pairings. For now I will be focusing on Bleach and Naruto fanfictions, because those are the only animes I have time to watch at the moment. That will be changing soon, however, so have no fear! If anyone is an avid fanfiction reader like me and has a suggestion that they would like me to feature, please comment! I will be happy to look it over!

My Award for Fanfiction of the Year Goes to...

Shades of Grey by SilverKytten, for showcasing THE BEST yaoi lemons in each and every chapter while still managing to move the plot along. Bleach, Ichigo x Renji. Incomplete but highly recomended.

Special Announcement: Shades of Grey is no longer on hiatus! *applause* The fanfic was just updated recently with a more light-hearted chapter than normal, but still with plenty of smexiness! Go check it out!

WARNING! Just so no one goes and complains "But everything is supposed to be PG-13!" I am fully aware of the rule, which is exactly why I am not actually showing the fanfictions, and only giving the links. You have been forewarned, every link in this World leads to a fanfiction rated for mature readers only. I cannot be held resonsible for the indescretion of minors.

Raito can bake a cake ^_^

Hello, everybody before I get to the Death Note lemon, I'd like to introduce myself!

I'm mamma DX (mDX for short) and I'm the first of Rose's guest posters. Yay!

Being a huge fan of Death note (and being a crazed yaoi fan girl) I'd like to share a wonderful one shot of Light and L. Includes food play and some giggles. This one is very well written and left me breathless!
Click here for story "Make Love, Not Cake"

