ok another world needs to be fixed okay
*Crashing with Wrecking Ball and Excavating with Steamshovels*
Okay dudes! bring it over here slowly, slowly...ok...ok...and stop! Right here fellows
*Megaloud Drilling*
Okay bring in the HyperBeam Drill! Right over there next to the foundation
*Beaming sound*

Library Of The Night

Welcome to my personal collection of stories and poetry. Please enjoy what I have and soon there be more to come, Ta Ta!

*Walks out of the room*

Oh! And before I forget any questions should be directly asked to the librarian, Zexion. Please enjoy your stay

Zexion: Ok don't make too much noise and if there's any problem I'll be at the counter if you need help. *Goes and sits at counter*

The Blind Feels, Not See

In a still alley, at a crack of dawn, there’s sat a little girl who can only hear. Her silver fringe sways in the peaceful zephyr, waiting silently in a quiet town; listening to anything that swift passes her eyes. The only th...

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