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welcome to the life and times of hb32.

Universal Studio Pictures~ ^^

Here are some pictures taken from Universal Studios!

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Me, Bervy, Chey, Gabby, and Alyana~~

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Random bridge that we saw on the studio tour!

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Random buildings that we also saw on the studio tour!

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Part of a plane crash scene that we saw on the studio tour!

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The view from the studio tour tram thing!

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Artistic picture of gangster pink domo next to the Jurassic Park ride!

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Artistic picture of mini domo that Bervy won for me at the Adventure Dome!

AAND, that's all I have for you guys for now. x33


Journey Through 100 Cards~ ^^

This is part of my Otakuversary post thing, but I was sick yesterday so I didn't get the chance to finish it. ><; Enjoy!

~Go on a Journey~


Dying... X______x

Hey guys! Wow, I feel so Otaku deprived. *dies* I have a terrible cold so yesterday I just came home and slept all day... And I CANNOT believe I missed zumba yesterday with the smexy Latin male stripper zumba substitute! Darn it, my mom even said he was better than our other zumba instructor from Wednesdays and Thursdays. *cries*

So, that is why I didn't get on yesterday even once... It's a surprise I'm even on now, but my mom isn't home so it's all good. ;D Missing school makes me SO stressed out though! Gosh, I can just imagine all the F's I'm getting as I type this. *dies again* Yesterday I missed most of my classes because of this student of the month buffet thing, I missed all of school on Friday, math on Thursday, and now I'm missing all of today. OMG.

I'm gonna go and make some crappy cards now to take the stress away. :'D


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Otakuversary! (Contest Winners) ^^

In celebration of my first Otakuversary, I promised everyone who commented on my previous post a gift! Drawing random names from a hat, I have come up with a list from 1-28. The prizes get better the higher you go! :) Here are the results and the prizes! Comment below telling me whether or not you want your prize, you guys have one week to claim your prize or I'll cross you off the list. Enjoy~<3

28. Neko MoonShine - One Gift

27. Momiji Fangirl - Two Gifts

26. Hana Ishida - Three Gifts

25. Clueless101 - Four Gifts

24. DemonsandAngels - Five Gifts

23. Allie Elric - One Icon Request

22. Minado - One Icon Request

21. Elix3r - One Icon Request

20. Quiet Noise - One Icon Request

19. Josephine12cute - One Icon Request

18. Hanaro Souhi - One Icon Request

17. Ecnelisterger - One Icon Request

16. HelloKatty - One Icon Request

15. JanetChan - One Icon Request and a Gift

14. Littlepooch - Two Icon Requests

13. MFran - Two Icon Requests and a Gift

12. Chibi-anna-chan - One Card Request

11. Asuha612 - One Card Request and a Gift

10. Kc Inoue - Two Card Requests

9. CleaversForKids - Two Card Requests and a Gift

8. Xxpicklejuice01xX - Featured Post on my World and a Gift

7. FallenAngel 01 - Featured Post on my World and Two Gifts

6. Sweetdevil - Featured Post on my World and Gift

5. LightFykki - World Featured in my Intro and Icon Request

4. MiseryMiss - World Featured in my Intro, one Icon Request, and One Gift

3. CloudBerry - World Featured in my Intro and one Card Request

2. AlexaClyne - World Feature in my Intro, Card Request, and Avatar Request

1. Animegirl171 - One Month Premium Membership to theOtaku

Pink DOMO/Universal Trip!~ ^^

I'M BAAAACK! I was gone for two days, and I still feel deprived of being on here. XD Hope you all didn't miss me too much (which you probably didn't ;D).

First business is that I WON A PINK DOMO! Actually, me, this one guy I hate, and this other guy won it at one of those game booths. XD So I got one, and then we won one for this other girl that was in our group. A picture of the pink domo!

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Surprisingly, my choir got a gold for our festival performance, meaning we're the top 10% of our age group's skills, or something like that. Then we ate at a random park, went to the hotel and swam. I didn't want to get my hair wet because it takes ten years to do (I have complicated hair X3;;), but these two guys kept pestering me about swimming to the point where I was going to punch them.

Universal was really fun, but there aren't very many rides there. >_____< We watched this animal show and Terminator 2, rode Jurassic Park 3 times, and the Mummy like 10 times (front row, baby ;D), and some other random stuff. Then we went home (but the ride was very, let's just say, eventful 0___________e).

So yeah, that was my Universal Studios trip! It's good to be back. :))