WAAAH!! @_@ Ooh, it is just a plushie doll thing. xD I actually backed a little, because I suddenly looked at the monitor... Ummm, what is a domo? Is it something similar to dango? Why do you look at me like that... o_o *pulls back under his rock* xD
Haha, but I am glad to hear that you had so much fun there. It seemed like a pretty exciting trip with many things happening. Sure there are always does small bad things, but at least overall it was pretty fun for you. :D
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/04/11 | Reply
Welcome back! Happy that you are with us again^^
Congratulations on getting gold! Top 10% of your age group is really impressive!
Glad to hear you had fun^^ See, it didn't turn out as bad as you thought it would. And the pink domo is really cute X3
Woah, really?! That is awesome! :D Haha, I carry it around everywhere I go, too! We can look like little girls together. XD
Wow, thank you! ^^ And we did have a lot of fun, universal studios is a great place. I'm sorry to hear that you can't ride roller coasters. D: I don't because I'm terrified of them. >.< But maybe one day you will be able to do that again... :))
Lol, nah, I didn't have to bust them out this time. I'll keep it in mind for the next trip. >3
Don't remind me. *shudders* It was hilarious because he asked Chey and Alyana if Howard was jealous of him when Howard and I went to go get churros (since everyone else ditched us T.T), and Alyana and Chey busted out laughing and were like, "Why would you even think that?" Good times. XD
AND I MISSED IT! I was gonna take a picture, but I couldn't find the flash! And I freakin' missed it, UGH.
Jonathan should go crawl into a deep death hole that leads to heck. But he loves youuuu :3 Dang I don't know how you resist the urge to just tell him to go away...
I'm happy to be back! ^^ NEITHER HAD I! Before we walked past the carnival games. *_________* Haha no worries, it happens to me all the time. x33 Pink domos are epic!!
Trust me, I would do the same. XD I literally forced all the guys in the group to help me win it, cause I'm a ninja like that. ;D Thanks! Yeah, they're pretty entertaining (that is, if you don't hate everyone going there! X3)
Oh my freaking gosh. I want to drop kick that kid. Even Howard was making fun of him with me, that's a clear sign that there is something majorly wrong with him. *eye twitch*
Cute Domo is cutez indeedz.
Haha, it was actually pretty fun cause Alyana got really pissed at Chey for kissing Adam (cause I dared him to), and... Yeah. XD
Glad to have you back I HAVE NEVER SEEN A PINK DOMO BEFORE!! XD Sorry for my excitement. I get excited over the smallest things haha. My friend has a brown one and she loves it so much. Take care
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 04/05/11 | Reply
LOL. I think it would be easier to link you to Domo's wiki page, HERE~ All I know is that it's adorable. ;3
Yeah, it was fun, surprisingly. ^^
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 04/05/11 | Reply
Thank you! :D
It was surprising, considering last year my choir only got an award for participating. XD
Thanks again! *huggles domo*
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/04/11 | Reply
WAAAH!! @_@ Ooh, it is just a plushie doll thing. xD I actually backed a little, because I suddenly looked at the monitor... Ummm, what is a domo? Is it something similar to dango? Why do you look at me like that... o_o *pulls back under his rock* xD
Haha, but I am glad to hear that you had so much fun there. It seemed like a pretty exciting trip with many things happening. Sure there are always does small bad things, but at least overall it was pretty fun for you. :D
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/04/11 | Reply
Welcome back! Happy that you are with us again^^
Congratulations on getting gold! Top 10% of your age group is really impressive!
Glad to hear you had fun^^ See, it didn't turn out as bad as you thought it would. And the pink domo is really cute X3
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 04/03/11 | Reply
Woah, really?! That is awesome! :D Haha, I carry it around everywhere I go, too! We can look like little girls together. XD
Wow, thank you! ^^ And we did have a lot of fun, universal studios is a great place. I'm sorry to hear that you can't ride roller coasters. D: I don't because I'm terrified of them. >.< But maybe one day you will be able to do that again... :))
Lol, nah, I didn't have to bust them out
this time. I'll keep it in mind for the next trip. >3Hulaberry32
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 04/03/11 | Reply
Don't remind me. *shudders* It was hilarious because he asked Chey and Alyana if Howard was jealous of him when Howard and I went to go get churros (since everyone else ditched us T.T), and Alyana and Chey busted out laughing and were like, "Why would you even think that?" Good times. XD
AND I MISSED IT! I was gonna take a picture, but I couldn't find the flash! And I freakin' missed it, UGH.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/03/11 | Reply
Jonathan should go crawl into a deep death hole that leads to heck. But he loves youuuu :3 Dang I don't know how you resist the urge to just tell him to go away...
Chey. Kissed. Adam. No freaking way.
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 04/03/11 | Reply
I'm happy to be back! ^^ NEITHER HAD I! Before we walked past the carnival games. *_________* Haha no worries, it happens to me all the time. x33 Pink domos are epic!!
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 04/03/11 | Reply
Trust me, I would do the same. XD I literally forced all the guys in the group to help me win it, cause I'm a ninja like that. ;D Thanks! Yeah, they're pretty entertaining (that is, if you don't hate everyone going there! X3)
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 04/03/11 | Reply
It's a pretty cool place, I'd suggest going there sometime. :D
Aww, thank you! ^^ It's glad to be back. :))
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 04/03/11 | Reply
Oh my freaking gosh. I want to drop kick that kid. Even Howard was making fun of him with me, that's a clear sign that there is something majorly wrong with him. *eye twitch*
Cute Domo is cutez indeedz.
Haha, it was actually pretty fun cause Alyana got really pissed at Chey for kissing Adam (cause I dared him to), and... Yeah. XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/03/11 | Reply
Don't forget about Jonathan!!! xD *shot*
Awww cute Domo is cutez (Don't ask me why I'm talking like that)
I'm still glad I didn't go...
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/03/11 | Reply
Glad to have you back
I HAVE NEVER SEEN A PINK DOMO BEFORE!! XD Sorry for my excitement. I get excited over the smallest things haha. My friend has a brown one and she loves it so much. Take care 
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/03/11 | Reply
Awesome! Sounds like you had fun :)
It's "hello," sir. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/11 | Reply
That sounds really cool!! I've always wanted to go to Universal :D
It sounds like you had a really good time and we're glad to have you back!!!!