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welcome to the life and times of hb32.

A Fine Line ^^

A fine line between me and going crazy. =____=; I don't think that I have ever had such low grades in the past. It's RIDICULOUS. Last week I went on a straight A field trip for the first semester (a HALF A DAY trip), and I come back to have all B's and C's for my grades! I don't think it's fair that teachers should give a billion tests out when they KNOW students are going to be absent! And my math teacher (I hate her...) put in a test we just took on Tuesday as missing in the grade book, when I WAS there and I DID take that test! And I'm pretty sure I got a good grade on it, too! So now I have a big fat C in math, a B in Health, a B in English, and an almost B in choir. UGH.

Grade depression aside, I've been reading a great book series! It's pretty old, so most of you have probably never heard on it. XD The first book is Flowers in the Attic, and I'm currently on Petals in the Wind, which is the most frustrating book EVER. I seriously want to kill all the characters (except Chris <33).

And, you guys know how Cristina Vee sings the English version of the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya's second opening?? Well, she also sings an English version of Touhou Project's Bad Apple, and I absolutely love it! It's so catchy! I'll probably do a cover of that song in the near future. :))

Take care, guys~


V-Day~ ^^

Happy Valentines Day, everyone! :D I hope the day of loooove has been treating you nicely. For those of you without a Valentine on this fine day, just think of it as a National Holiday to eat all the chocolate you want. Nom nom. x3

BUT, luckily, I had my virtual valentine, Fy-Fy. And although he wasn't with me in body, he was with me in spirit. Or the other way around. I doubt it matters. XD So today was a wonderful day for me. For the most part. :)

The other part that was not the most part, was some creepy dude at the Valentines Dance I was in charge of. 0______e First, he hit me on the head with a balloon and said I was mean because I didn't give him a hug. Uh? So I gave him a hug, then he holds me there for like ten years while I inch away slowly and am close to socking him in the face. Then he asks me my name. I was inclined to give him a fake one. But I'm not an impulsive liar. XD Beware of creepy dudes like that. They're everywhere!

Lots of Love,

Card I made for Fy-Fy. :3

Chair Snatcher! ^^

Hey guys! How are you all doing today? It wasn't too long ago since I last posted--at least I don't think so--but I'm going to post today anyways. Just cause I can. :D

Aha anyways, today the weirdest thing EVER happened in choir. It was a total WTF moment. XD First, my choir teacher was talking about some truck in Utah with cows in the back or something like that, then some dude randomly stands up out of nowhere he totally fell from the ceiling, walks over to this kid sitting down on his chair who reminds me of a turtle for some reason *shot*, and then he just grabs the legs of the chair and pulls the chair out from under that dude! Like What. The. Heck?! Who does that while the teacher is standing at the front of the room staring at you?! And then the dude who just like fell down onto the floor just likes looks all emotionless as he hits his head against the risers. Finally, he gets up and goes to get another chair like nothing happened! WTF?! I'd like bash that kid's face in if he did that to me!

So the teacher goes and yells at the kid in the hallway, while the rest of the class goes crazy, especially this crazy high-on-life kid who I totally did not go out with before XD pretends to have a rubber band gun that he's pointing at people telling them to like sit down and that he has a gun or something... Uh... And then he gets a random tissue box out of the trash cause we all love digging through those! and ties the rubber band around it and makes a banjo out of it. -____-; Then, my friend's friend gave him this flower hair piece that he puts on the top of his head. And then he sticks it onto the rubber band, and my friend says "It's your new girlfriend!" So this one girl who my friend thinks is stupid and a hoe tells him that he already has a "playboy girlfriend" over there, gesturing towards me. =__=' So then she gives him a flower ring, who he in turn gives to me, and upon finding out who's it is, I fling it towards my other friend, who flings it back towards the first friend in question.

Then we go on to talk about Nazis, Hitler, and a depressing song about a flea on a mouse. Lovely.

Collaborated post by myself and my non Otaku friend Chey. :D


I'm addicted to this song. :D

Long Time No Post! ^^

It's been too long since I last posted here! I feel like I'm wasting this world. T.T And after I made it all pretty, too... So, here goes nothin! (maybe this time it'll actually work unlike the ten billion posts I tried to make Sunday -_-')

Sooooo, my friend and I took random pictures at the park and in the flood channel behind my house even though it's illegal to go in there XD on Saturday! It was pretty fun. :D We didn't record any songs though, I'm thinking of singing Killing me Softly, but who knows! ^^ Any suggestions?

And I miss semester exams now because we actually have homework and tests and stuff. Ahaha I totally forgot how that felt. *epic fail* x3 I still find lots of time for theO, of course! :)) And Phantom.

OOOOOH READ THIS FOOLS! I'm gonna be making gifts for a bunch of random people, so if you are one of the random people who clicked on this post, tell me who your favorite anime/manga/video game characters are, and your wish shall be granted. :3 Also, I do birthday gifts now, so be expecting one if your birthday is coming up!

Also, MiseryMiss came to school today! *throws confetti* So even though I had to breathe into the sleeve of my jacket in order to not get sick, it was good seeing my daughter/elderly wife come back to school. :D She's my daughter because of our showchoir family, and my elderly wife cause we bicker a lot. And I like the old dude from Up, so I get to be the elderly husband here. XD

That's about all I have to say! Thanks for reading!

Deuces! *has always wanted to say that* XD

One of my favorite cards I've ever made! =w=

Huzzah! ^^

Hellooo everyone~ Not as happy as I was in the post I made two days ago, but I'm doing pretty good. XD How are all you guys doing? Unfortunately today is Sunday, and there's school tomorrow. :/ Bleh. Where'd my weekend gooo?! >_<

Anyways, I am currently listening to the Phantom of the Opera movie, for the second time in a row. It's actually pretty entertaining. X3 I have sooo many icons to make lately, and the only thing I seem to be able to do that doesn't absolutely suck is make cards. T.T If I owe you an icon, I apologize for taking so long to make them!

Good news for those of you who actually care about me and talk to me here on theO! ^^ I got all A's on my semester exams, so my computer is mineee! Bwahaha! >D In case you guys don't know my mother, she will take my computer even if I get an 89 on something. 0_______e So yeah, huzzah for getting lucky! :))

Changed my avi, too! And my font, can you believe it?! Yeah, I miss the comic sans, but change is good... Right? Hopefully. :D

Thanks for readin'!

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Card I worked so hard on for MiseryMiss's challenge, *~Wonderfully Twisted~*

PS: Head on over to xNotUnderstood's profile and tell her to feel better because she is currently having back pains now! DO ITTT! >O