Eclipse was awesome! Saw it the first day it came out... ^^; Much better than New Moon, probably cause I'm a vampire fan. Haha yes, the shirtless hot guys are definitely a plus! ^^
Weirdos indeed.
I still need to see eclipse >.> Im not that much of a twilight fan but ive seen the past 2 movies so I figured I need to see this one, plus who wouldnt want to see a movie with shirtless hotties running around...Ohh yeahh..
LOL they are! What do they think we're going to see movies for, the plot?! Weirdos... xD
The effects were really great, but the plot was somewhat thin. I'd suggest it if you were bored and had nothing else to do, or was in the mood for something... magical... ^^;
I'm Not Dead! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/17/10 | Reply
I almost saw the Sorcerer's Apprentice with my friend but luckily we change it to Predators instead. The movie was great we loved it. We saw all the humor and the action was decent. We also like how it had the feel of the old 80's Predator movie. I don't want to know why you were out in that kind of weather. If its makes you feel better I was out in 106 degree weather with high humidity without any ac in my car so I know how you feel.
I was really iffy about that sorcerors apprentice movie, Yes the main character is ugggly and has an annoying voice..Main characters are supposed to be hawt, dammit! DX JKJK XD
Idk if I should see it you reccomend it?
Otakuite++ | Posted 07/18/10 | Reply
:D Yay! ^_^
I'll invite lots and lots of people! Like Itsygo! ^_^
Nel does hope that it get's cold soon......
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 07/17/10 | Reply
If Nel goes to the beach I wanna come with you!
Hopefully it will get cooler soon! ^^
Otakuite++ | Posted 07/17/10 | Reply
Nel knows how you feel! D=
It's so hot here that Nel wants to go to the beach!
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 07/17/10 | Reply
@Kc Inoue:
Eclipse was awesome! Saw it the first day it came out... ^^; Much better than New Moon, probably cause I'm a vampire fan.
Haha yes, the shirtless hot guys are definitely a plus! ^^
Kc Inoue
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/17/10 | Reply
Weirdos indeed.
I still need to see eclipse >.> Im not that much of a twilight fan but ive seen the past 2 movies so I figured I need to see this one, plus who wouldnt want to see a movie with shirtless hotties running around...Ohh yeahh..
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 07/17/10 | Reply
I wanted to see Predators too! It looked scary though... I'm a chicken when it comes to scary movies... ^^; Yay, I'm not alone in the heat! xD LOL
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 07/17/10 | Reply
@Kc Inoue:
LOL they are! What do they think we're going to see movies for, the plot?!
Weirdos... xD
The effects were really great, but the plot was somewhat thin. I'd suggest it if you were bored and had nothing else to do, or was in the mood for something... magical... ^^;
I'm Not Dead! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/17/10 | Reply
I almost saw the Sorcerer's Apprentice with my friend but luckily we change it to Predators instead. The movie was great we loved it. We saw all the humor and the action was decent. We also like how it had the feel of the old 80's Predator movie.
I don't want to know why you were out in that kind of weather. If its makes you feel better I was out in 106 degree weather with high humidity without any ac in my car so I know how you feel.
Kc Inoue
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/16/10 | Reply
I was really iffy about that sorcerors apprentice movie, Yes the main character is ugggly and has an annoying voice..Main characters are supposed to be hawt, dammit! DX JKJK XD
Idk if I should see it you reccomend it?