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welcome to the life and times of hb32.

To Comment, or Not To Comment? ^^

G'day mates! My Bleach RP world isn't going as well as I thought it would, but I guess I just created it at a bad time. *shrugs* I'll keep it up and hope more people join, but we probably won't start posting until the beginning of August, when my friend and I both get back from vacation. If you watch Bleach, please join the RP world! You don't even have to post that often, I'm begging you people, please join! I'm getting desperate here...

I don't usually write poems, but yesterday I was in a very poetic mood. Here is what I wrote in my head:

What goes up must go down
But even as the sun sets my dreams shine on
Like the twinkling stars dotting the night sky
Mirrored by my sparkling eyes full of happiness
As trills of laughter escape my lips
Mimicking a chirping bird's song
As the jay spreads it's wings and flies over us all
I have found what it has found

It's not that good, but it's been replaying over and over in my head so I thought I'd post it. I forget the other poem I thought of... Hmm...

Referring to the title, I believe that commenting is very important on this website. When I first joined theO, I subscribed to many people, but I'd only click on the creations and world posts that I thought sounded interesting. Which was ironic because I wanted people to read what I wrote. And I realized that no one is going to comment on my world if I don't do the same. I feel really happy just by getting one comment or one reply, and I want everyone to feel this way! That's why I click on everything people publish, and I always comment. But just because I comment on your world doesn't mean I'm lying about your work. I comment what I think, and if I didn't have anything good to say about your post, I wouldn't comment anything at all. Happiness should be spread, and I think we all can spare a few moments to type something sweet about someone else and bring joy to their day.

Joy to the World! ^^
