I Survived The Endless Eight! ^^

Hey there, buddies! HB32 here today to tell you that I survived the Endless Eight of the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya! If you don't watch this anime, let me inform you on what this is. *spoiler up ahead* The endless eight are eight episodes that are the same exact thing over and over again. The people in the anime are in an infinite time loop of the last two weeks of summer. Why they had to do this for eight episodes before figuring out they needed to finish their homework to get on to September, I have no idea. All I know is that I survived without going insane. (mostly )
Next, I have come up with the plot of the Bleach RPG! Woo! How's this for an intro: Years have passed by and everything is quiet in Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, and Earth. Everyone has returned to leading (somewhat) normal, peaceful lives. Until now. A new enemy has revealed itself, and it's not only targeting the humans. Soul reapers, arrancar, vizard, quincys, and humans are all being attacked by this unknown force. On the outside, they appear to be normal hollows. But normal hollows don't turn living people into hollows like themselves. The population is decreasing, and there's only one thing that can stop them. You. How was that? It was kind of long, wasn't it...? I'll try to revise it to make it better... Does anybody have any ideas as to what the name of the world should be? I don't want it to be as obvious as BLEACH RPG PLEASE JOIN, but I want people to know it's a Bleach rpg so they actually want to join... This stuff is tough... If you have any ideas at all, please comment! That's about all I have to say today...

Over and Out,
