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welcome to the life and times of hb32.

Haruhi The Unicorn... ^^

Hey-lo fellow lovers of all things anime! It has come to my attention that I am deemed "weird" for listening to Japanese music on my ipod. I for one, do not see anything wrong with my preference in music, seeing as though J-pop is much better than most songs playing in America, to me. (though, I do like Lady Gaga) Hmmm, I wonder, does anyone else listen to Japanese music?

Today's snippet about me is my favorite animes! Every anime I've ever watched has been my favorite in one way or another, so here is the list of animes I have watched or am watching: Bleach, Ouran High School Host Club, Special A, Rosario + Vampire, Sailor Moon, Tokyo Mew Mew, Elfen Lied, Angel Beats, and K-On! I think I've cried at the end of every one of those animes... It's not my fault I get attached to a character just to have it end... Ending are so unsatisfying!

Alexa-chan made this beautiful card for the Bleach ABC's challenge, and frankly, that is probably the smexiest thing I have ever seen in my life! Honestly, it's just too sexy for words! Every time I look at that picture...*nosebleeds*

My favorite person today is Chiyoko Yamamoto for commenting yesterday! I really appreciate it! Also, thanks to Momiji Fangirl, and congrats to her for getting a promotion to Otakuite++! Does anybody know what you have to do to get a promotion?

And lastly, I need one vizard left for my RP world! Please join if you watch Bleach! It's gonna be really fun! I'm so excited to write about my Quincy girl, Ayre! It just reminds me of Ishida-kun...*nosebleeds*

I guess that's all I have today, but I'll be back tomorrow with a song of the day, and possibly some funny videos/pictures! So thanks for reading!


This was really interesting/funny... Hmm...

Bad Apple ^^

Bonjour, all who read! (or should I say "none who read?" ) I'm so lazy right now, and now I'm gonna have to write a whole wwyff quiz on Quizilla! *groans* It sucks having fans, doesn't it? I play a much more inconspicuous role on this website, thankfully! Here's the link to my Quizilla account! Please go and read some of my stories and whatnot! (my wwyff quizzes are the most popular, so I suggest reading that) ^^ Hulaberry32. Thanks!

Second on le list of topics, is my second favoritest person now, Yammy Riyalgo! It's really nice to know at least two people are reading this! I'll have to make him a wallpaper, since he's so nice to me...

Now, here's a video I'd like you all to watch. Just click HERE! It's a song with cool shadow art. But I want you to pay attention to the song, because now that I've listened to it once, I have it stuck in my head. And since it was stuck in my head all day, I had to put it on my ipod. So, go and get it stuck in your head!

Finally, I'd like to tell you all about aimini.net! It's where I download all meh Japanese music! And what's better, is that it's all free! So thanks to aimini, I can enjoy all my awesome J-pop music without having to pay a dime for it! Yay for free stuff! ^^

So, thanks for reading this, and I'll be back next time with some new songs and new videos! Right now I'm really into Sailor Moon, so most of the future vids and pictures are going to be funny Sailor Moon things... ^^;

Oh yeah, and please, go check out my RPG Bleach world, Void! I'd really appreciate if you joined! We only need a vizard and and arrancar before we can start posting! Thanks!

Ja Ne,
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Aww, aren't these ladies just so perdy? Aah, I just noticed Ishida-kun was wearing a dress! *nosebleeds* I'm loving the look Abarai-san! Work it Kuchiki-taicho!

Bleach FTW ^^

Hi-hi, peoples! Did anybody watch the latest Bleach episode, episode 278? Cause I did! OMG it was freaking epic! *warning: spoilers up ahead* Now, I'm going to talk about how awesome it was. First of all, what is up with Wonderweiss bringing the espada back to life? After being pissed for about five minutes, I realized Ulquiorra-san could probably be brought back to life too! So, I forgive him. But even though I love Starrk-san, I can't forgive him for shooting Kyoraku-taicho. Unforgivable! But, I'm happy Halibel-san is still alive. And OMG the vizards have come! I am so excited about this! I cannot wait for Shinji-san and the others to kick Aizen's butt! ^^ Sorry Aizen-san!

Well, now that we're moving on, I watched an awesome movie yesterday. It's a Japanese anime movie, called The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. It was a really great movie, and I suggest you watch it. Though the website doesn't let you watch more than 72 minutes of the movie at a time, but you could just do something else for thirty minutes in between... But it was actually a great movie! So go, watch it now. I'll be here waiting for you when you finish it!

And finally, I'm still trying to come up with all the things for the Bleach RPG. Like the names of the monsters. You all are welcome to help me brainstorm here! Just saying... Well, I have to go now, so I'll be back later on just in case I come up with something for the Bleach RPG!

Peace out,

Sorry Yamamoto-taicho, I had too...^^;

Home Aloone ^^

What's up everybody?! Right now I am home all alone, and I'm very scared because a rapist lives in my neighborhood... Now, I know I could take him (yeah right), but why would I want to worry myself over a serial killer? Good thing my friend Squishy-chan is coming over soon! We could tag-team him... And you may be asking, how do I know this guy is a homicidal murderer? It's cause he has three of those huge vans and all the windows are covered! 0__o I do not even wanna know what the curtains are covering...*shudders*

Moving right along, I still have not came up with a name for the Bleach RPG. I was thinking of putting (Bleach RPG) after the title, so people knew what it was. Any suggestions? Yes? No? Maybe so? Well, if you can think of a title, please share with me! And I need a name for the monster things that eat people and turn them into hollows! That'd be nice too!

Next up on our list is this awesome website I found! Well, at least I think it's awesome, because I haven't had the time to actually look at it. Because I can't draw as well as the rest of you, I think this website might help. Or maybe I'm a lost cause... Here's the link, if you wanna go look at it and improve on your drawing skills: LINK!

Last but not least, our anime song of the day is Lost My Music from the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. This is a really good song, and it's been stuck in my head all morning. So listen, enjoy, and I'll talk to you all later!

'Til Next Time,

PS. I thought this was a really good video! It's really only 3 and a half minutes, the rest is just a black screen, so watch the whole thing! Argh, too much color!

I Survived The Endless Eight! ^^

Hey there, buddies! HB32 here today to tell you that I survived the Endless Eight of the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya! If you don't watch this anime, let me inform you on what this is. *spoiler up ahead* The endless eight are eight episodes that are the same exact thing over and over again. The people in the anime are in an infinite time loop of the last two weeks of summer. Why they had to do this for eight episodes before figuring out they needed to finish their homework to get on to September, I have no idea. All I know is that I survived without going insane. (mostly )
Next, I have come up with the plot of the Bleach RPG! Woo! How's this for an intro: Years have passed by and everything is quiet in Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, and Earth. Everyone has returned to leading (somewhat) normal, peaceful lives. Until now. A new enemy has revealed itself, and it's not only targeting the humans. Soul reapers, arrancar, vizard, quincys, and humans are all being attacked by this unknown force. On the outside, they appear to be normal hollows. But normal hollows don't turn living people into hollows like themselves. The population is decreasing, and there's only one thing that can stop them. You. How was that? It was kind of long, wasn't it...? I'll try to revise it to make it better... Does anybody have any ideas as to what the name of the world should be? I don't want it to be as obvious as BLEACH RPG PLEASE JOIN, but I want people to know it's a Bleach rpg so they actually want to join... This stuff is tough... If you have any ideas at all, please comment! That's about all I have to say today...

Over and Out,
