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welcome to the life and times of hb32.

Bad Apple ^^

Bonjour, all who read! (or should I say "none who read?" ) I'm so lazy right now, and now I'm gonna have to write a whole wwyff quiz on Quizilla! *groans* It sucks having fans, doesn't it? I play a much more inconspicuous role on this website, thankfully! Here's the link to my Quizilla account! Please go and read some of my stories and whatnot! (my wwyff quizzes are the most popular, so I suggest reading that) ^^ Hulaberry32. Thanks!

Second on le list of topics, is my second favoritest person now, Yammy Riyalgo! It's really nice to know at least two people are reading this! I'll have to make him a wallpaper, since he's so nice to me...

Now, here's a video I'd like you all to watch. Just click HERE! It's a song with cool shadow art. But I want you to pay attention to the song, because now that I've listened to it once, I have it stuck in my head. And since it was stuck in my head all day, I had to put it on my ipod. So, go and get it stuck in your head!

Finally, I'd like to tell you all about aimini.net! It's where I download all meh Japanese music! And what's better, is that it's all free! So thanks to aimini, I can enjoy all my awesome J-pop music without having to pay a dime for it! Yay for free stuff! ^^

So, thanks for reading this, and I'll be back next time with some new songs and new videos! Right now I'm really into Sailor Moon, so most of the future vids and pictures are going to be funny Sailor Moon things... ^^;

Oh yeah, and please, go check out my RPG Bleach world, Void! I'd really appreciate if you joined! We only need a vizard and and arrancar before we can start posting! Thanks!

Ja Ne,
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Aww, aren't these ladies just so perdy? Aah, I just noticed Ishida-kun was wearing a dress! *nosebleeds* I'm loving the look Abarai-san! Work it Kuchiki-taicho!
