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welcome to the life and times of hb32.

Home Aloone ^^

What's up everybody?! Right now I am home all alone, and I'm very scared because a rapist lives in my neighborhood... Now, I know I could take him (yeah right), but why would I want to worry myself over a serial killer? Good thing my friend Squishy-chan is coming over soon! We could tag-team him... And you may be asking, how do I know this guy is a homicidal murderer? It's cause he has three of those huge vans and all the windows are covered! 0__o I do not even wanna know what the curtains are covering...*shudders*

Moving right along, I still have not came up with a name for the Bleach RPG. I was thinking of putting (Bleach RPG) after the title, so people knew what it was. Any suggestions? Yes? No? Maybe so? Well, if you can think of a title, please share with me! And I need a name for the monster things that eat people and turn them into hollows! That'd be nice too!

Next up on our list is this awesome website I found! Well, at least I think it's awesome, because I haven't had the time to actually look at it. Because I can't draw as well as the rest of you, I think this website might help. Or maybe I'm a lost cause... Here's the link, if you wanna go look at it and improve on your drawing skills: LINK!

Last but not least, our anime song of the day is Lost My Music from the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. This is a really good song, and it's been stuck in my head all morning. So listen, enjoy, and I'll talk to you all later!

'Til Next Time,

PS. I thought this was a really good video! It's really only 3 and a half minutes, the rest is just a black screen, so watch the whole thing! Argh, too much color!
