Should I?

These are questions I ask myself when I have a day off and actually somewhat have my life together.

Who else can relate to constantly brimming with thoughts and ideas?
I certainly can.
Throughout the day, inspiration is everywhere. The only thing that isn't always abundant is time and energy to commit to it.

As cringe as some of this may be, I have a lot of "fan-fiction" esque ideas and stories that I have been holding onto.
Would anyone else be interested in reading them on this place or my other worlds?
On the off-chance that I get a day off or some personal time off, that would be something I could try to squeeze in between catching up on the x amount of anime I have missed.

I still haven't even done that extension of PGR thing (do we really want to bring that from the dead) where I tried to extend Hideki's story, but it's kinda in the same vane.
I usually put it on my FOF world, but the massive backlog and the amount of time it takes to do the preamble work to make sure the post comes out well usually results in me canning the project.

Plus, "What's the point?" That's what I normally ask myself.
Part of me thinks that certain places should be safe-havens for all of our cringe thoughts and ideas, and I feel like this place is it...I just haven't had the time, energy, or drive to do it if it comes off as pointless and doesn't really yield me anything, you know?

Sorry to end that on a sour note...

