i dont think your comment was foul at all. you spoke the truth :)
art thieving is an awful habit and it will get you nowhere in life.
she really isnt listening to me though so i'm just gonna let her do whatever she wants
nothing will change even if u scold her.. the problem with loners.. they're just asking for fake attentions for their own imaginary happiness.. let them get caught and get what they deserve..
tracers..? they're just ruining the original.... err.. i've seen a bunch even here in theO.. i just dont get why they can smile and feel good for hearing comments about something they did with little effort.. like why..? for what reason are they doing that..? thats just so pathetic if they just want to hear good about themselves..... for tracing/stealing.... lmao....
they're better off out in the mall or wherever.. why force themselves in the art world in the first place..? --___--
err.. i am so in a bad mood.. excuse my foul comment.. =,="
shes...different. she wouldnt dare upload stolen pics on the internet. she'll easily be caught. instead she parades them around people irl who dont know a thing about art
The Shirt
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/03/09 | Reply
Well, then.. -blinks-
Grand Otaku | Posted 11/03/09 | Reply
Yikes, a real live art thief! I'm sure you can convince her to draw her own stuff.
Maybe steal her tracing paper..XD.Feonalily
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/02/09 | Reply
@The Shirt:
lol actually shes a great deal older then me. 24. so i dont think she really cares about what i have to say. just brushes it off her shoulder xD
The Shirt
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/02/09 | Reply
lmao Oh my... She must be young to not even concern herself with someone "knowing" she's an art theif. That's just outright bold. xD
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/30/09 | Reply
@reirei18 :
i dont think your comment was foul at all. you spoke the truth :)
art thieving is an awful habit and it will get you nowhere in life.
she really isnt listening to me though so i'm just gonna let her do whatever she wants
awwwz why ya in a bad mood? *pat pat* x<
reirei18.com (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/30/09 | Reply
nothing will change even if u scold her.. the problem with loners.. they're just asking for fake attentions for their own imaginary happiness.. let them get caught and get what they deserve..
tracers..? they're just ruining the original.... err.. i've seen a bunch even here in theO.. i just dont get why they can smile and feel good for hearing comments about something they did with little effort.. like why..? for what reason are they doing that..? thats just so pathetic if they just want to hear good about themselves..... for tracing/stealing.... lmao....
they're better off out in the mall or wherever.. why force themselves in the art world in the first place..? --___--
err.. i am so in a bad mood.. excuse my foul comment.. =,="
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/30/09 | Reply
sounds kinda like a smart thing to do if you do that kind of thing
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/29/09 | Reply
she doesnt xD
people who do these things usually dont
Impatient pizza (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/29/09 | Reply
lol the funny part is she sounds like she didn't even care xD
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/29/09 | Reply
shes...different. she wouldnt dare upload stolen pics on the internet. she'll easily be caught. instead she parades them around people irl who dont know a thing about art
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/29/09 | Reply
Oh wow... that is really just so surprising to even see, but sooner or later the truth will come out and something will happen ^^