AWwwww!!!! Poor kitteh!!! *imaginary glomps kitteh* She'll be okay, I'm going to keep her in my prayers. At least you didn't accidently almost break your cat's leg with a chair. I did that. That was a dark, dark day. But in all seriousness, find as much information as you can about your cat's problem. That's what we did and we made a splint and everything (I have scratches on my arms to prove it). Consult as many people as you can and pray pray pray!
Last edited by Heartkruez at 4:52:57 PM EST on January 26, 2009.
TT_TT ur poor kitty......waaah *cries* i wonder what happened....Maybe she did get in a fight...i hope not =_= but if thats the case then it'll prolly heal on its own... I hope she gets better T.T
i would probably look just like madd hatter's avitar right now
dued i would go out their and make mony im sorry that you dont have annY!
i hope that she will get better!!!
does poroxide work with cats? or ok to use on them?
I'd start reading up on Cat diagnostics, that might be the only thing you can do right no...
Oh, jeez, that poor thing, I would bring her in if you can...
Hmmm, I know some clinics sometime have a free thing, or some vets (at least the ones that are in my area) will sometimes let you postpone payments, or they might work something out! You could try talking to one of them (just a suggestion)
I'll be praying! (I have a cat that's been hurt in the past as well)
The Pied Piper (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/22/09 | Reply
Oh no, that's not good. It sounds like she does need to go to the vet though. I think she should be okay without one. But to me it sounds like her eye, coming loose. I'll be prsying for her.
DDD= Oh no! If she's an outdoor cat, maybe it's an infection? I don't know... I wish I could help. POOR KITTY! *flails* I hope she gets better. DX I'll think happy thoughts.
Miracle Star19
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/03/09 | Reply
Awwwwwwwwwww poor kitty I wish her well and I'll pray for her.
UndercoverNinja (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/26/09 | Reply
AWwwww!!!! Poor kitteh!!! *imaginary glomps kitteh* She'll be okay, I'm going to keep her in my prayers. At least you didn't accidently almost break your cat's leg with a chair. I did that. That was a dark, dark day. But in all seriousness, find as much information as you can about your cat's problem. That's what we did and we made a splint and everything (I have scratches on my arms to prove it). Consult as many people as you can and pray pray pray!
Last edited by Heartkruez at 4:52:57 PM EST on January 26, 2009.
Miz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/22/09 | Reply
TT_TT ur poor kitty......waaah *cries* i wonder what happened....Maybe she did get in a fight...i hope not =_= but if thats the case then it'll prolly heal on its own... I hope she gets better T.T
~Ja ne!
red kie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/22/09 | Reply
i would probably look just like madd hatter's avitar right now
dued i would go out their and make mony im sorry that you dont have annY!
i hope that she will get better!!!
does poroxide work with cats? or ok to use on them?
)Oo~ Black rabit ~oO(
Mad Hatter Belia
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/22/09 | Reply
Ohhhh!! Poor thing!
I'd start reading up on Cat diagnostics, that might be the only thing you can do right no...
Oh, jeez, that poor thing, I would bring her in if you can...
Hmmm, I know some clinics sometime have a free thing, or some vets (at least the ones that are in my area) will sometimes let you postpone payments, or they might work something out! You could try talking to one of them (just a suggestion)
I'll be praying! (I have a cat that's been hurt in the past as well)
The Eighth Sin
The Pied Piper (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/22/09 | Reply
Oh no, that's not good. It sounds like she does need to go to the vet though. I think she should be okay without one. But to me it sounds like her eye, coming loose. I'll be prsying for her.
Bagel Gurl | Posted 01/22/09 | Reply
Maybe you can keep your cat indoors for now. That way you can keep a better 'eye' on her eye. You know, make sure she stays out of trouble.
Six-year-olds and nuclear weapons: a combination that just can't be beat.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 01/22/09 | Reply
DDD= Oh no! If she's an outdoor cat, maybe it's an infection? I don't know... I wish I could help. POOR KITTY! *flails* I hope she gets better. DX I'll think happy thoughts.