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Heyy everyone!! Somethings about me:

  • I love Twilight
  • I'm obsessed with Twilight
  • I like movies
  • I'm shy except online
  • Fictional vampires are awesome
  • I'm a band geek
  • I play the clarinet
  • Naruto is my fav anime
  • I don't read much manga
  • Thats about it...
  • I don't know why I'm still listing crap

Well, there is some info bout me. This world is just what I do in my daily life/what happened and crap like that. I love you all, danke for coming to my site!!

~PuRpLe RoSe AnD tHe CuLlEnS/hAlEs~


Okay you have to play Kingdom Hearts AND do one of these other things:
Watch Naruto
Play Final Fantasy X-2
Watch Blood+ (even tho I don't)
Watch Bleach (don't do that either)
Have seen Stuart Little

Alright, the guy that plays Axel's voice does millions of voices and not much actual acting. Now, thing of Axels voice and the voices listed below and know THEY ARE BY THE SAME GUY! Not to mention he's ugly

Naruto: Iruka
FFX-2: Isaaru
Blood+: Carl (I guess he's not a main character or anything...)
Bleach: Kon (my friend said the little lion guy)
Stuart Little: Snowbell (the cat)

My friend passed out in band. In 1st hour she ran the mile (but my class did football crap) and of course we were outside. Now, she didn't get a drink at all. Once I changed I was all over that damn water fountin like some saggy old woman/man would be over the fountain of youth! Again, she didn't drink once. So then we got to band. What do you think were gonna do? Play and us up all our damn breath!! Okay, ignore that. So we're playing and we are working on a part and the teacher says Start, she doesn't pick up her beautiful clarinet (yes I play it too!). Her skin is pale and I guess her pupils are big, IDK cuz I don't sit next to her I sit 2 seats away (yes 5th chair out of 5 and she is 2nd). I don't figure along but my mouth is up to the mouth piece and she's getting paler. So finally Brook looks over and sees her and she raises her hand and then 1st chair raises her hand and I can't play, I'm too worried. They get Mrs. Henry to look over not even jumping around or going up to her and going "I think she doesn't look to fine so fucking stop playing and HELP MY FUCKING FRIEND!" sorry, Brook isn't really her friend but not the point. So, they get her attention and 1st chair goes to get the nurse and no one has said anything. Mrs. Henry's all like "Morgan are you okay? Relax just relax. Its fine. Can you hear me?" And Morgans just passed out her eyes are open tho and she's blinking. Next thing you now health lady comes and checks her pulse, "___ can we have the wheelchair down in band?" and she goes "Morgan? Morgan? Can you hear me?" No response (WELL NO FUCKING DIP! SHES FRICKIN PASSED OUT!!!!!!!) She checks the pulse agan "___ call 911" then everyone starts putting up the instrements and in my head I just want to be over there helping but I'm too afraid to help, mostly b/c they would attack me. So the pricipal comes and moves us to the cafeteria and holds 2nd hour a few mins longer but as we leave the room I'm watching Mrs. Henry and Mrs. Health Lady move my bff to the floor laying down and put her feet on a chair. Again I just want to stay back and help but don't want to get in trouble. She leaves school (no duh) but she came but before 911 came or may have even been called. So I get home and call and I'm like (btw morgans words will be underlined):
"Hey are you okay?"
"Heh, yeah"
"I was freaking out what happend?"
"I don't really know. I started having tunnel vison..."(btw she's not done talking but if someone would be nice enought I have no clue what the hell that is)"...and my ears were ringing then I couldn't hear anything and everything went dark"
"omg I'm sorry. I'm glad your better."
"Yea thanks"
"I'll see you tomorrow"
"Yeah bye"
And that was it. I think I've written enough to keep you intertained for a few minutes.

I'm sorry I lied. Josh asked me if I wanted to go to the movies with him, Aaron, Rosa, and two ppl who's names I've forgotten so I'm gonna see if I can go and I really like Josh but he's weird and perverted...yet some reason I like him. He is kinda like Edward some how but I don't know how and then he said this is he's exact text too.
Your alot like bella. Easily distraced, quiet, you let your emotions get the better of you and most of your ideas are crazy but when it counts your a genius
He really said that I swear to pie...NVM. We are probably gonna see Prom Night and Shutter. They (Josh and Aaron) saw Prom Night saturday but Rosa and I want to see it so they'll see it again and during a movie (while I was reading Twilight) Josh texted me and said he could fit 25 french fries in his mouth...great I now. I think I've said enought. I mean it this time. I'll be leaving now. Good night/day/whenever.

The Twilight series rock and I want to praise Bella on page 322 of Eclipse. See ya!

This is the exact car that Alice drove in Italy. I got it off of Stephanie Meyers site if you don't believe me.

P.S. You should read the first chapter of Midnight Sun, it is Twilight from Edwards point of view


Twilight is so amazing! I love it!! It is my favorite book ever. My favorite character is Jasper Cullen, he's one of the vampires. He is sooo kool!! Well, thats it. Bye!


OMG you guys should visit He has 3 pics of himself and he is hot. His last pic is the best one. I'm so sad, I keep forgetting that Pokemoncrater isn't a site anymore Gosh it was like my life and I can't find another good pokemon rpg site. If anyone knows any plz plz give it to me!

Today was the start of Science Map but I stayed home sick so I have to re-take it Friday which is fine with me. I'm going to start reading the Twilight series b/c my sis started and I read some of the 1st chapter and it seems really good. My friend is gonna take it to school tomorrow along with her second book for my sis. I'm very bored. I told one of my friends I would put up a pic of Arceus for her (SunnySmile). She is really kool and likes pokemon so you all should talk to her. Here is my baby Arceus: Aww I luv him!! I'm gonna go.

Luv ya all
Purple Rose


Man I'm so sad My background isnt showing very good but you can atleast still see Sora! OMG HE IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SMEXI! *drool* Even guys love him Lol. I got back from my friends house at about...3 and I've been bored since...actually I've been playing Drawn to Life and my mom and I went to Applebees and I had 2 things of 20 shimp and I ate them fast and the waitress was funny she was like "wow, would you like some more?" and I'm like "No, gotta save for desert" and then I ordered desert while my mom was still eating her steak/baked potatoe. I orded Triple Chocolate something. It was a small chocolat cake thing with hot chocolate (not the drink just heated chocolate) in the middle and dark/white chocolate drizzled all over the plate with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and when I was done I was eating the chocolate on the side and she came back and she's like "she's just munchin on the chocolate". She was really funny I liked her!! Oh yeah if u care my theme is Sora..cuz he is the smexiness of the world. I cant believe it is 11...soo doesn't feel like it except the house is silent...I hate it. I have to go to church at 9 but my sis doesn't have to cuz I've missed a lot and she hasnt and my mom has been making us go to church but I've been hangin with my friends. My comp is pissing me off...*sigh* I think I'm going to go to bed...I'm a bit tired. I'll talk to you later. Bye.

~In and Out~
~Sora is smexi~


I've gotten sooo used to this otaku I really like it!!

>.< Man I have a cold and I've been coughing and sneezing a whole lot and it's really starting to piss me off! I am in school and I'm TOTALLY bored. We have to work on these writing stuff but I'm done so yeah. Today I'm riding the bus home with my friend, Val, and my other friend, Rosa, because Val is having a party and invited Rosa, me and another girl named Alyssa Strong or something. We are going skating and then just Rosa and me are spending the night. In my backpack is just my DS but they are gonna take me home to grab my stuff like my: stuffies, pjs (story later!!), baby blanket, GBA/games, Playstation Games, KH2 book, and thats it.

Okay the pj story. First off I have the pjs you tie and they keep getting into knots then one of them was ripping but not off yet. I showed my mom because I was sad it was breaking and she was gonna tie them or something and RIPPED IT OFF!!! I WAS SOOOO PISSED!!! I had to sleep in these really uncomfy pants because I couldn't find my purple bambi pants that are a bit to small (in lenth they are streching in waist) and so I had to wear the uncomfy ones but they are cute because My sister made them for me, they have Pooh characters all over them!! ^-^ They are cute. I like them yet I dont...

I don't know what else to say, every pray Josh Byard gets hurt very bad in a car reck or something but not dies.

I have a friend that is emo REALLY SHE IS! She showed me her cuts...she is writing depressing yet good poems and stuff.

Oh, there is this really hot guy named Ryan and my friend wrote a note to me (the emo one) and put "he is still hot" because he couldn't answer this question or something and i'm like "oh hell yeah" and she passed it to Ryan whoe passed it to Ashley like we normally do but she said she wanted him to read it and when Ashley read it she gave it to Ryan and I really don't wanna go to math even thought it is the stinken truth! He is soooo hot with a chapitol H O T! Maybe I can get a pic to show ya'll. I'll talk to you all later, I'm gonna check Devil4life and make a world and stuff.

Love ya lots,
Purple Rose