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Heyy everyone!! Somethings about me:

  • I love Twilight
  • I'm obsessed with Twilight
  • I like movies
  • I'm shy except online
  • Fictional vampires are awesome
  • I'm a band geek
  • I play the clarinet
  • Naruto is my fav anime
  • I don't read much manga
  • Thats about it...
  • I don't know why I'm still listing crap

Well, there is some info bout me. This world is just what I do in my daily life/what happened and crap like that. I love you all, danke for coming to my site!!

~PuRpLe RoSe AnD tHe CuLlEnS/hAlEs~


I've gotten sooo used to this otaku I really like it!!

>.< Man I have a cold and I've been coughing and sneezing a whole lot and it's really starting to piss me off! I am in school and I'm TOTALLY bored. We have to work on these writing stuff but I'm done so yeah. Today I'm riding the bus home with my friend, Val, and my other friend, Rosa, because Val is having a party and invited Rosa, me and another girl named Alyssa Strong or something. We are going skating and then just Rosa and me are spending the night. In my backpack is just my DS but they are gonna take me home to grab my stuff like my: stuffies, pjs (story later!!), baby blanket, GBA/games, Playstation Games, KH2 book, and thats it.

Okay the pj story. First off I have the pjs you tie and they keep getting into knots then one of them was ripping but not off yet. I showed my mom because I was sad it was breaking and she was gonna tie them or something and RIPPED IT OFF!!! I WAS SOOOO PISSED!!! I had to sleep in these really uncomfy pants because I couldn't find my purple bambi pants that are a bit to small (in lenth they are streching in waist) and so I had to wear the uncomfy ones but they are cute because My sister made them for me, they have Pooh characters all over them!! ^-^ They are cute. I like them yet I dont...

I don't know what else to say, every pray Josh Byard gets hurt very bad in a car reck or something but not dies.

I have a friend that is emo REALLY SHE IS! She showed me her cuts...she is writing depressing yet good poems and stuff.

Oh, there is this really hot guy named Ryan and my friend wrote a note to me (the emo one) and put "he is still hot" because he couldn't answer this question or something and i'm like "oh hell yeah" and she passed it to Ryan whoe passed it to Ashley like we normally do but she said she wanted him to read it and when Ashley read it she gave it to Ryan and I really don't wanna go to math even thought it is the stinken truth! He is soooo hot with a chapitol H O T! Maybe I can get a pic to show ya'll. I'll talk to you all later, I'm gonna check Devil4life and make a world and stuff.

Love ya lots,
Purple Rose
