Welcome to my world! First off, I don't do this kind of thing a whole lot, so please go easy on me. If you have any suggestions or instructions on how to do certain things, please let me know. I would appreciate the help. Enjoy your visit!

Little Bonus: This is one of my favorite songs/music videos right now, by my favorite group EVER!

Anybody who reads my stories (which isn't much anybody at all).

I've made a few changes. First, Genevieve is not combined with a coyote, but with a .......... WILD DOG! I couldn't think of anything else. Second, Katara's bunny ears aren't white they are black, and her bird wings are green. She is fused with the DNA of a green bird I made up. And third, please look at my fan art to see at least the top part of the outfits! Thank you!

Be looking for newer versions of my Mew Mews!
