Welcome to my world! First off, I don't do this kind of thing a whole lot, so please go easy on me. If you have any suggestions or instructions on how to do certain things, please let me know. I would appreciate the help. Enjoy your visit!

Little Bonus: This is one of my favorite songs/music videos right now, by my favorite group EVER!

Mew Mews from America: Chapter 1

Finally! I've finally finished the first chapter. I would've written sooner, but I had homework, even on the first day of school! Well, I hope you like it. (When people aren't "speaking", it will be in Luna's point of view.) The story starts out when Luna and her family are on their way to Japan.

:In the Car:

Genevieve: Mom, Do we have to move?

Mom: Yes dear. Your father and I excepted the job, and it was too good of an offer to refuse.

Luna: And we technically already moved. Besides, Katara and I have always wanted to go to Japan.

Katara: And now we get to live here!

Genevieve: Well fine, but why couldn't Matthew have driven in his own car?

Matthew: (getting annoyed) Because I had to SELL MY CAR!

Genevieve: I know. (snickers)

Dad: Alright kids, settle down. We're here.

We all step out of the car to see a huge mansion. I could barley speak.

Luna: Wow.

Genevieve: It looks almost exactly like that mansion we passed on the way here.

Katara: Are you sure this is our house?

Mom: Yes, this is the place.

Matthew: Dad, how much exactlly does the job pay?

Dad: Quite a lot in Japanese and American money. That's why we took it.

Then we all went into the house, helped move in some furniture, and unpacked our rooms. (I got the biggest room!)

The house was three stories, and it had an attic. Katara, Genevieve, and I got rooms on the top floor, while Matthew, mom and dad were on the second floor. Finally, after four hours, you were settled in.

:At the Dinner Table:

Mom: So kids, how do you like Japan so far?

Matthew: I like it. I just hope it will be easy to find a college here.

Dad: I'm sure it will be. So, what do you girls think of Japan?

Luna: I think it's great. I saw this cute little pink cafe place outside of that park we passed.

Katara: Yah, I saw it too. Can we go tomorrow?

Genevieve: Please?

Mom: Okay. Besides, me and your dad have to go to our first day of work, and Matthew has to go searching for a college. It'll be perfect.

All Girls: YAY!

Well, that's chapter one. I would've written more, but I have to take a shower before my mom gets mad at me. Next chapter will be out soon! :3

This is sort of what you look like in Mew Mew form. You also have hazel eyes, black fox ears, and a black cat tail.
