That'll be kinda hard since I'm about 490 pounds so far and I'm a plant, so moving for me now is getting tougher. I'm glad enough to even type with my vines.
No sense talking to Seymour... Ya can't get anything over his thick skull!
How come gangsters and stupid cows are in Halloween Town?
If you can manage to cart yourself over to my place, there's about a million stupid cows everywhere. And a lot of fat gangsters. I'll have a word with Seymour.
And to answer your question... HE DIDN'T FEED ME AT ALL TODAY!!! *breathes heavily* So basically, I'm about 8 foot tall, I'm VERY hungry right now, I have a toothache after eating a dentist last week, shall I go on with my misery?
Otakuite | Posted 07/07/10 | Reply
Don't ask me. That's things probably older than me, even. I wouldn't know.
Yeah. Just to freak her out. He likes doing that excessively.
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/07/10 | Reply
An AK47? How and why?
Darn, he's bigger than me... That's it, I'm really going to yell at Seymour for this... He waves at Shock all the time?
Otakuite | Posted 07/07/10 | Reply
Oogie's got tons of weapons left over from a while ago. he's even got an AK47.
He's around 12 feet tall now. Shock's freaking out every time he waves at her. Or everytime he goes and deletes a vandalist.
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/06/10 | Reply
Yeah, I don't like Barrel...
*smirks* I like the way you think... Have a hacksaw I can borrow?
Anyway, did you feed Diablo today? How big is he now?
Otakuite | Posted 07/06/10 | Reply
Somebody.... *coughBarrelcough* left the door open from the graveyard. A bunch of bovines and gangsters found their way in.
Except maybe a hacksaw. Or a chainsaw. Or a machete. Or a cute little kid with puppy-dog eyes.
Most of them already got deleted by Diablo.
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/06/10 | Reply
That'll be kinda hard since I'm about 490 pounds so far and I'm a plant, so moving for me now is getting tougher. I'm glad enough to even type with my vines.
No sense talking to Seymour... Ya can't get anything over his thick skull!
How come gangsters and stupid cows are in Halloween Town?
Otakuite | Posted 07/06/10 | Reply
Of course.
If you can manage to cart yourself over to my place, there's about a million stupid cows everywhere. And a lot of fat gangsters. I'll have a word with Seymour.
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/06/10 | Reply
Wow, so sorry for ya...
And to answer your question... HE DIDN'T FEED ME AT ALL TODAY!!! *breathes heavily* So basically, I'm about 8 foot tall, I'm VERY hungry right now, I have a toothache after eating a dentist last week, shall I go on with my misery?
Otakuite | Posted 07/06/10 | Reply
She was petting a cat when I came back up. She didn't look up once from her stupid feline.
I'm glad we share similar experiences.
(Did Seymour feed you enough today?)
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/06/10 | Reply
Wow, I feel sorry for you, man... I had a bad day too, so ya ain't the only one. You're saying Shock didn't even notice anything?