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It's been a while...

Since I've been on here. Gosssshhhhh, what's wrong with meh? I only got on a few days of this week! O.O I have a lot of catching up to do (which I'm not exactly gonna do....XD).

I'm pretteh sure I missed a BUNCH of updates...and for that I'm sorry.

It's not the case that my laptop died and I had a funeral and yadda yadda yadda 'cause of that last post, nope, that's not the case at all. I was just busy...and ADDICTED to Phoenix Wright and Fire Emblem...still am...but I'm taking the time to get on here and tell you guys that I'm still alive! XD

I had ANOTHER Academic Team tournament on Thursday and I had a lot of practice before then...and then my friend reminded me to got this Art Shop thingy and I had to bring 2-3 pieces of art for critiquing or whatever, even though I told her I wouldn't be there, I decide to go anyways so I drew two pictures last night and stayed up past me bed time.

I went there today almost all day. My pictures...weren't exactly what I would submit to this one application for some college program, just something to bring (and I did NOT want to bring my old crappy art). Apparently we were allowed to bring laptops...but anyways, that wasn't was I was going for on the program...sooo...whatever...

These were just playful sketches using a few different mediums, on computer paper, and were pretty small, so they were rather crappy. But they do kinda look good...

I want to try water colours and my mom says she'll teach my how to paint with acrylics so then I can do those two things.

I have to do a portrait of myself...which I've actually done before (not as an assignment, just 'cause I wanted to), a landscape (which I'll try to do something liiike...I dunno...what's landscape?), and a still life. I want to do a still life of modern things because I'm bored with these pears and boring old stuff pictures.

I feel kinda discriminated against 'cause I draw manga...

I don't understand why colleges are always pushing FINE ARTS...what jobs are there for Fine Arts students? I don't really like fine kinda bores me. Sometimes it can be really good...buut...>.>

I don't like this full composition thing. My favourite kind of pictures are the ones with simple backgrounds...thought I do like some with detailed backgrounds. But I will try my best to put some good backgrounds in.

I'm afraid to use my style, though...>.>

Ohh, in the art shop thing the teacher guy was into ceramics (I'm not into ceramics...bleckk) and sculptures so we had to do some sculpture out of plaster. I HATED IT!! TT^TT My looked like complete crap...I'm NOT going to anything like that. I'm sticking to clay...if I ever do sculpture, that is...>.> But I WOULD like to know how the ancient greeks and those kinds of people did their statues...I mean, I know how, but I want some kind of class on that. They should revive the artform...they should have it in art class or something...

Meeting new people sure is fun, though. I'm kinda surprised that I'm a people person now...O.o; Nah, I just think humans are interesting.

But why is it that EVERYWHERE I GO SOMEBODY STARES AT ME! TT^TT I don't know if they're glares or what...but...TT^TT I asked some guy in my class for a pencil and he said 'No, this isn't mine...' and then I said 'Oh, okay then, thank you...' and he just stared at me...TT^TT It was scary...Then I didn't ask anybody else for a pencil..."orz

The people there were kinda nice...there were these two girls in front of us who we shared some of the materials with who were kinda nice, they were really quiet and shy...and the girls beside us were really nice, too. But there were students who were from the school we were in and they were really loud and didn't seem to be paying much attention...>.> We didn't really like them. Umm...'we' as in my friend and I...that I talked about above (somewhere).

There was this one girl who was...annoying...she kept saying really rude and negative things under her breathe. Liike, the teacher guy was asking us what ideas we had to do the sculpture thing (mine was of a hand holding a doll hand...but I thought of this when I thought we were using clay...not plaster..."orz) and some girls said they wanted to do a kitty or flowers and she said under her breathe 'stupid girly stuff...' or something like that...or something about stupid girls or whatever...And then when she was asked what she wanted to do she said 'I want to do _____ 'cause I'm just a loser like that,'...and she kept laughing the entire time. I know it doesn't sound that bad...but she kinda sounds like she thinks high and mighty of herself. She and her friend walked around to look at the pieces and they kept laughing...I'm not sure if it was at them or not...

One of them did a sculpture that looked like Mokona...but I think they said that it was Link...O.o; It didn't look like Link! XD If it looks like Mokona...XD Umm Mokona from Magic Knight Rayearth, because I know it of know other name...DARN IT CLAMP! STOP PUTTING THAT THING IN ALL YOUR MANGA! It's annoying...>.>

So that's what I've been doing...:D

I wanna work on my one shot manga now...>3> I might have to go to bed early...buuuut...TT^TT

Business...*shakes head*...Tomorrow I'm going to do my homework and then RELAX! Or work on my manga...*thumbs up*

Uggghh...leave me alone....TT^TT

...I keep getting pop-ups about how some .exe file is corrupted. First of all, I don't know where those .exe files were or where they came from or if they even exist...second of all, some program started scanning my computer and said that I have over 4000 (over 9000! :D) corrupted files or something...

No, no, that can't be right...I even just went with it and said clean up, but then it said I had to buy the program...I've never even seen this program before...

I have no clue what could have happened and what's going on with my computer...but those pop-up signs WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!

So I can't do anything today...>.> "orz I FINALLY got on the internet to tell you guys. I want to draw a picture, but these pop-ups appear liiike every 10 seconds...TT^TT

I'm just going to play some video games and try and do some other things because I can't use the computer..."orz

I'm using it right now, but it's not convenient at all...

What should I do now?

I've done everything I was prepared to do...and I don't think I have any homework...O.o; So I dunno what I want to do...

How about working on some manga?

Nahhh...XD I'll read some new manga. I was just going to draw something...but I can't think of anything...I'll read some manga in the meanwhile.

I have another shoujo feeling right now...'orz Mostly because I was just listening to a lotta Sailor Moon music! XD

For the Academic Team team lost...I answered one question wasn't very good. There were only 4 people who went...>3>

On the tests, the tests were fun, as always~! :D One of the tests had an Atonement question, which is one of my favourite movies~! I squealed when I saw it...which...I don't think we're allowed to do...but, y'know, that's just awesome.

I actually didn't read the question...I just saw something about a book or movie and it said Briony...or lead Briony...

First of all, I had to write a paper about Atonement (and, I think, read the script), second, I love that movie, and third I was just listening to Atonement music and Briony's theme song thingy...XD

And then after that there were a bunch of questions that were my kind of thinking. One about The Departed, The Hobbit, and some others that I can't remember right now. I think I did pretteh good enough on both tests...not that I'd actually win anything...>.>

We left early, they other teams are probably still there! XD

After each match we're supposed to shake hands, but we don't have to, most people don't, and I didn't on this one team, but this one guy on that team stood there for a long time when I was talking to my teammates just to shake MY hand...O.o; It was very strange...and he did that before kinda when we went to his school for a match...I didn't even play and he shook my hand...'tis creepy...TT^TT Actually, I've had that happen loads of times, and they ALWAYS have long hair.

Long haired guys creep me out, they're seriously one of my major fears...TT^TT I have a phobia of guys with long hair...

Not even Kamijo can make it better...TT^TT Asagi's okay...nahh, he's still kinda scary...

Okay, well, there are SOME exceptions, but overall...they creep me out...

And as much as I like boys who look like girls...there was one of the boys I was talking about who I kept thinking was a girl, and he wasn' weird...but he had long hair...after comprehending the fact that he was a boy...he still freaked me out..."orz

Other than that....nothing major really wasn't that eventful since NOBODY WAS THERE...>.>

Well...I'll go read some manga, now!


I submitted me application (heart wrenching...uggghh...TT^TT) and I have to apply for some other thing...and I need to study for a tournament for Academic Team (which we'll lose anyways, but it doesn't hurt to learn something new...)....anywayyysss...

I've seen people take pictures of themselves and then edit it to make them look like a character instead of cosplaying...but I just saw somebody who use a picture of themselves and DREW THEMSELVES as a themselves as a base! O.O

I wanna do that! O.O

But I don't know what character of mine I look like...O.o;

Just sounds like something interesting...O.o;

Also, my teacher is making us do realistic surrealism (actually, doesn't have to be THAT realistic...but I want to do my realistic) so right now I'm trying to combine different pictures to make a realistic version of it...I'd probably have different colouring, though...

Ehh...what am I talking about MYSELF? I'mma use an actual person...*.*


FINALLY! I was FINALLY able to post something! I kept getting 'error' every SINGLE TIME...I don't know what it was...but I'm glad it works now.

In art we're going to have to draw surrealism~! YAY~! Only problem is I don't really know what I want to do...I was thinking of drawing a boy watching some kinda anime and the girl in it popping out and touching him...something like that...popping out of the screen. But that'd be hard to do on then I thought of a painting drawing it's artist...

I was thinking of taking something from my dreams aren't particularly 'weird' it's mostly the story that has to do with the's all pretty normal. I don't know what the strangest dream I've ever had was...I can't remember it...O.o;

I also have another problem...

I want the characters in that manga JUSTICE to have special powers so they can battle eachother, but all I can think of is them having pistols...>3> Maybe I could think of something with that...buuut...I dunno...

I want to create a manga without weapons and with powers...

I also don't know what demographic it'd be...seinen or shounen or shoujo? Maybe even josei...

And it will have shounen-ai-ish stuffs in it and a bit of romance...but...y'know, that's life, so there.

Mmmm, me parents are making brownies~! X3

Ahh...yeahhh, back to what I was saying.

What was I saying?...*panics*

Ahhh, Noblesse is so wonderful, I can see why my friend likes it so much. No, not because it's so good (it IS very good, but that's not what I mean), but she likes comedy, silliness, horror, and a little romance, and this has it all...except the romance...only an ITTY BITTY BIT.

I should draw my characters some time...

I feel a bit free...though in a bit of a panicked mode because I'm done reading the cliff notes for The Crucible, all I have to do is read the book, and I remember it pretty well. And I've given my essays for my application to become a foreign exchange student to my english teacher to review, and hopefully I'll get them back before Wednesday. But the fact that all of this ends Thursday freaks me out...and I don't even have any pictures of myself! TT^TT I'll find SOME..."orz And I need to review it review it review it...And I forgot about the I don't get to take it this year (not school year, I mean this YEAR) and I forgot to sign up for the early morning I don't get that either...and my mom is probably mad at us...but they never tell us anything until the DEADLINE. The day my mom told me to ask about it was the deadline to pay..."orz Now I have to pay extra...>.>

But at least I don't really have any extra homework. I'll feel better after Thursday.

I really like Academic Team, so even though it's a tournament, if we lose, I'm okay with it. It's fun~! I love tests for fun and trivia stuff...I just like to see what I know...

But I was panicking Saturday night because I hadn't read enough for the Crucible and I had this feeling that I missed it..."orz It was terrible...

I need to work on some manga or SOMETHING. I feel like I haven't done anything...O.o;