Ohhh! I didn't read that one wiki (or I skipped over it...or it just said that in the rumors section or what the german/hungarians said or whoever they were). And she is crazy!! O.O But her story is interesting, I was watching some vampire thing on the history channel and they talked about her, Dracula, Lillith, and some guy in America...
OOoh creepy :D I love creepy stuff X3
I know why they called Vlad Dracula. We watched a video on it in SS class. After he watched the people being impaled he put thier blood in a goblet and drank it D:
And that's how vampire → Vladimir → Dracula → blood drinking thing came about.
That Hungarian countess was really jacked up *o*
imouto chan
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/13/09 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
What a lovely combo XD
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/13/09 | Reply
@imouto chan:
Ohhh! I didn't read that one wiki (or I skipped over it...or it just said that in the rumors section or what the german/hungarians said or whoever they were). And she is crazy!! O.O But her story is interesting, I was watching some vampire thing on the history channel and they talked about her, Dracula, Lillith, and some guy in America...
imouto chan
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/13/09 | Reply
OOoh creepy :D I love creepy stuff X3
I know why they called Vlad Dracula. We watched a video on it in SS class. After he watched the people being impaled he put thier blood in a goblet and drank it D:
And that's how vampire → Vladimir → Dracula → blood drinking thing came about.
That Hungarian countess was really jacked up *o*