Haha, yes...I found it strange that 3 and 2 were almost always together...O.o;
Yes! You've found Waldo~! :D
Ah-beh. She's a little Japanese girl...:D I mean, she's supposed to look like a stereotypical little Japanese school girl, except that she's not (DUN DUN DUNNN! Like we didn't see that coming! :D)
Ohohohohhh~! What DID happen to question 4? No seriously, I have no clue...O.o; Maybe I accidentally deleted it unintentionally because I had several times when I accidentally highlighted a big part of it and pressed backspace....'orz
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/05/12 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Me neither....now I want one of those books, though...;m;
Yes! Maybe! I dunno what I'm gonna do with those characters anymore, though...but I do really like Abe.
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/05/12 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
Haha. xD But it was fun that way!
Yaaay! I found Waldo. -u- I can never actually find him in the real books. orz
Okay cool, that's how I've been pronouncing it. ;o
She's the one with the white mask, right? Is she in the story with the guy with the afro? *u*
Aha, I understand. xD When I was filling it out, I thought I had done the same thing!
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/04/12 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Haha, yes...I found it strange that 3 and 2 were almost always together...O.o;
Yes! You've found Waldo~! :D
Ah-beh. She's a little Japanese girl...:D I mean, she's supposed to look like a stereotypical little Japanese school girl, except that she's not (DUN DUN DUNNN! Like we didn't see that coming! :D)
Ohohohohhh~! What DID happen to question 4? No seriously, I have no clue...O.o; Maybe I accidentally deleted it unintentionally because I had several times when I accidentally highlighted a big part of it and pressed backspace....'orz
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/12 | Reply
xDD So silly! I like how you answered these.
HAHA, QUESTION 5... xD I like how you keep their father-daughter-ness consistent in the rest of the questions! :P
Klan's guilty pleasure: Killing people! Maybe.
Aha, I really like Abe. xDD Is her name pronounced like the Abe in Abe Lincoln, or like "Ah-beh"?
Also, what happened to question 4? o___o
Last edited by moonlit dream at 6:35:16 PM EDT on September 4, 2012.