Nah, actually it does it by region and my region got theirs today. My friend got hers yesterday because she was in New York...It's annoying that they do that, but I guess they can't have thousands of people rushing to see their scores 'cause it'll crash the page.
WAAAAH, THAT'S AMAZING!!!!! ;U; I never took AP Art because it seemed so hard. orz BUT THAT'S AMAZING! :,D Nice going, Wakusei! C: All the pieces you posted to dA from your portfolio were really beautiful, so I knew you were going to score highly. ;u; CONGRATS AGAIN!
Nice going on AP Lit, too! ;o I don't get my scores until Monday. "orz How come you got yours already? Did you request for them to come in early?
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/06/13 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Thank you~! ^ ^
Nah, actually it does it by region and my region got theirs today. My friend got hers yesterday because she was in New York...It's annoying that they do that, but I guess they can't have thousands of people rushing to see their scores 'cause it'll crash the page.
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/06/13 | Reply
WAAAAH, THAT'S AMAZING!!!!! ;U; I never took AP Art because it seemed so hard. orz BUT THAT'S AMAZING! :,D Nice going, Wakusei! C: All the pieces you posted to dA from your portfolio were really beautiful, so I knew you were going to score highly. ;u; CONGRATS AGAIN!
Nice going on AP Lit, too! ;o I don't get my scores until Monday. "orz How come you got yours already? Did you request for them to come in early?