XD The world where we say we're working right as we start a new anime! XD This is totes the reality of my situation...'cause then I get motivated to draw after watching the anime...and also...motivated to continue watching that anime...;3;
I think the problem here is that the animation wasn't mind blowing in either of the shows I watched for me to want to draw a ton during that time...but the story! ;3;
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/24/13 | Reply
@Ametsu the Ninja:
XD The world where we say we're working right as we start a new anime! XD This is totes the reality of my situation...'cause then I get motivated to draw after watching the anime...and also...motivated to continue watching that anime...;3;
I think the problem here is that the animation wasn't mind blowing in either of the shows I watched for me to want to draw a ton during that time...but the story! ;3;
Ametsu the Ninja
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/24/13 | Reply
Welcome to my world... (specifically on the progress of comics) XD