It was just a middle term class, so professors like to have classes that are more pop-culture oriented. I was lucky that my Japanese professor also writes about anime and manga as an art form and that it was her specialty enough to have a class about it.
Yeah, that's true. But I do live on campus, so it's hard not make too many friends. I think after college I will probably not have very many friends.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/02/15 | Reply
Whaaat kinda school do you go to that you are required to read manga?! And why don't I know about it! D8> Oh well, I'm already too old and too broke to go to school... =w=;
I'm sorry things didn't go as you planned, but you can look at it this way: they knew that your actual birthday might be inconvenient to celebrate so instead of blowing it off altogether they took the time to celebrate it with you when they did have time so you wouldn't feel forgotten. =3
That's certainly more friends than would celebrate my birthday with me because I've isolated myself and I don't have any really close friends around. Well, one of them came back into my life recently, so maybe this year, I'll have friends to go out with? X3
There was a lot of info there so I didn't actually go through it all, but it seems like you've been enjoying your time with those vidya games X3 I sooo wanna play Dragon Age Inquistion, but I need a more powerful computer, so I hafta save up before I can play it =I
Hope things go well for you with your webcomic~! =D
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/03/15 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
Ahh, well don't that beat all D=
Yup, because nobody cares about what they can't see~! #positiveattitude2015
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/03/15 | Reply
Yeah, I guess it is kinda fun~ X3 I'd like to make things funner by doing more things, though~ X3
I will ask my professor if I can post it and if I can then I definitely will!
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/03/15 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
It was just a middle term class, so professors like to have classes that are more pop-culture oriented. I was lucky that my Japanese professor also writes about anime and manga as an art form and that it was her specialty enough to have a class about it.
Yeah, that's true. But I do live on campus, so it's hard not make too many friends. I think after college I will probably not have very many friends.
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/02/15 | Reply
Whaaat kinda school do you go to that you are required to read manga?! And why don't I know about it! D8> Oh well, I'm already too old and too broke to go to school... =w=;
I'm sorry things didn't go as you planned, but you can look at it this way: they knew that your actual birthday might be inconvenient to celebrate so instead of blowing it off altogether they took the time to celebrate it with you when they did have time so you wouldn't feel forgotten. =3
That's certainly more friends than would celebrate my birthday with me because I've isolated myself and I don't have any really close friends around. Well, one of them came back into my life recently, so maybe this year, I'll have friends to go out with? X3
There was a lot of info there so I didn't actually go through it all, but it seems like you've been enjoying your time with those vidya games X3 I sooo wanna play Dragon Age Inquistion, but I need a more powerful computer, so I hafta save up before I can play it =I
Hope things go well for you with your webcomic~! =D