I have no clue where I am living...they don't tell me anything! ;m; All I know is that I will be living in some sort of dorm...Oh and it's in a rural-ish part of japan in the Chugoku region.
I think weeaboo is an American word so it's used more often here. I think it's used most by people who use 4chan and most of the people I know have been on there so they all know the word pretty well.
Gah! That's so irritating! I don't understand why professors think that manga is not art. Have they ever tried to write a comic? Then maybe they'd understand. I think it's because it's so different from other forms of art. It's a little bit like literature, a little bit like illustration, and a little bit like film. Perhaps it's difficult for them to grade it properly or something? I don't know. But I do know that if they knew ANYTHING about the art of comic writing then you would've gotten fairly high marks because you had such brilliant and ingenious ideas for the panel layout which is the big deal in comic writing.
I don't understand the point in giving you bad marks for something they personally don't like. That's not a very good professor. That's like a science professor giving somebody bad marks 'cause they didn't understand the subject the person was writing a paper about...O.o; Just because you don't understand doesn't mean you should be discouraging that form of artistic expression.
I am going to study abroad at a university that is partnered with my university. I think I am going to stay in the dorms there and I heard it's not the nicest option (since I share it with multiple international students who don't speak English and we have to do the cleaning and pay for the heating and electric bills...sounds like problems are bound to happen).
I am not sure how great my Japanese skills are...I would say that are on par with my Spanish skills, which doesn't really help you see what I am talking about! XD I can hold a conversation and listen to simple commands but I have pretty bad grammar and a small vocabulary. I thought I would be more shy about speaking Japanese but this year a group of japanese students came for a festival our school was holding and I spent almost my entire time with them speaking Japanese (I was also lucky because even though it was in the middle of the week school was cancelled for most of it because of snow days~ :D)
I don't know how it is in England, but where I live we associate typical anime weeaboo people with crazy bad fashion with lots of weird accessories leaning on the scene look. It's really weird...there is always that one kid who wears cat ears or cute harajuku-ish accessories with worn out hoodies and jeans...I don't know why. At least in America I think you would just look fashionable and not like an anime lover, is my point! XD From what I have seen I don't think your fashion is too out there as long as you are in big cities. Most people in smaller cities of america are not fashionable at all so if somebody is fashionable they look like they are cosplaying. This happened at my college where this one kid was wearing steam-punk inspired fashion and everyone thought they were weird since the majority of the people at my school all wear pretty much the same clothes (sweat shirt and sweat pants...it's pretty hideous in my opinion).
But maybe that is just my perception of things...XD (I dunno why I am ranting about this)
But yeah, I dunno why we feel this way. I think it's probably because we are adults now and most people consider anime a junior high/middle school tween thing and not an adult thing or something? Or the big problem in the west where manga is seen as something that is more a trend than art. I told one of my friends in secret that I liked to draw manga and he asked me why I didn't just draw American comics...and even though he didn't mean to hurt me feelings it made me feel worse 'cause now I don't know why I am so interested in a culture that's not my own. And then people tell me it's escapism and guhh...too many people are quick to tell me that my dream is just or a dream or even a delusion...maybe that's where it comes from...
Wow really!? I thought your crystal girl one looked AMAZING! I love how you draw panels as well they are so creative and easy to read. I can't get past basic rectangles..;orz
I had manga studio debut for some time and never understood how to use it and now I have an operating system that it doesn't work on...but I downloaded manga studio recently and I will hopefully figure out a way how it can work on my system like how I did with paint tool sai...
I've been watching lots of videos from yoshikadu on youtube and he uses mangastudio and it makes me so jealous every time I watch them and he pulls up speed lines in just a few seconds whereas that normally takes me hours to draw traditionally...;m; I feel like if I had mangastudio I could finish chapters in weeks just because most of my time is spent on trying to figure out how to draw backgrounds and effects and then drawing the panels cleanly and SO MACH WORK. I think traditional manga is good for an experience, but I think I would probably be more comfortable with digital.
(Woah sorry for the long rant. I just woke up a moment ago and am super energized right now! XD)
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/12/15 | Reply
I have no clue where I am living...they don't tell me anything! ;m; All I know is that I will be living in some sort of dorm...Oh and it's in a rural-ish part of japan in the Chugoku region.
I think weeaboo is an American word so it's used more often here. I think it's used most by people who use 4chan and most of the people I know have been on there so they all know the word pretty well.
Gah! That's so irritating! I don't understand why professors think that manga is not art. Have they ever tried to write a comic? Then maybe they'd understand. I think it's because it's so different from other forms of art. It's a little bit like literature, a little bit like illustration, and a little bit like film. Perhaps it's difficult for them to grade it properly or something? I don't know. But I do know that if they knew ANYTHING about the art of comic writing then you would've gotten fairly high marks because you had such brilliant and ingenious ideas for the panel layout which is the big deal in comic writing.
I don't understand the point in giving you bad marks for something they personally don't like. That's not a very good professor. That's like a science professor giving somebody bad marks 'cause they didn't understand the subject the person was writing a paper about...O.o; Just because you don't understand doesn't mean you should be discouraging that form of artistic expression.
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/30/15 | Reply
I am going to study abroad at a university that is partnered with my university. I think I am going to stay in the dorms there and I heard it's not the nicest option (since I share it with multiple international students who don't speak English and we have to do the cleaning and pay for the heating and electric bills...sounds like problems are bound to happen).
I am not sure how great my Japanese skills are...I would say that are on par with my Spanish skills, which doesn't really help you see what I am talking about! XD I can hold a conversation and listen to simple commands but I have pretty bad grammar and a small vocabulary. I thought I would be more shy about speaking Japanese but this year a group of japanese students came for a festival our school was holding and I spent almost my entire time with them speaking Japanese (I was also lucky because even though it was in the middle of the week school was cancelled for most of it because of snow days~ :D)
I don't know how it is in England, but where I live we associate typical anime weeaboo people with crazy bad fashion with lots of weird accessories leaning on the scene look. It's really weird...there is always that one kid who wears cat ears or cute harajuku-ish accessories with worn out hoodies and jeans...I don't know why. At least in America I think you would just look fashionable and not like an anime lover, is my point! XD From what I have seen I don't think your fashion is too out there as long as you are in big cities. Most people in smaller cities of america are not fashionable at all so if somebody is fashionable they look like they are cosplaying. This happened at my college where this one kid was wearing steam-punk inspired fashion and everyone thought they were weird since the majority of the people at my school all wear pretty much the same clothes (sweat shirt and sweat pants...it's pretty hideous in my opinion).
But maybe that is just my perception of things...XD (I dunno why I am ranting about this)
But yeah, I dunno why we feel this way. I think it's probably because we are adults now and most people consider anime a junior high/middle school tween thing and not an adult thing or something? Or the big problem in the west where manga is seen as something that is more a trend than art. I told one of my friends in secret that I liked to draw manga and he asked me why I didn't just draw American comics...and even though he didn't mean to hurt me feelings it made me feel worse 'cause now I don't know why I am so interested in a culture that's not my own. And then people tell me it's escapism and guhh...too many people are quick to tell me that my dream is just or a dream or even a delusion...maybe that's where it comes from...
Wow really!? I thought your crystal girl one looked AMAZING! I love how you draw panels as well they are so creative and easy to read. I can't get past basic rectangles..;orz
I had manga studio debut for some time and never understood how to use it and now I have an operating system that it doesn't work on...but I downloaded manga studio recently and I will hopefully figure out a way how it can work on my system like how I did with paint tool sai...
I've been watching lots of videos from yoshikadu on youtube and he uses mangastudio and it makes me so jealous every time I watch them and he pulls up speed lines in just a few seconds whereas that normally takes me hours to draw traditionally...;m; I feel like if I had mangastudio I could finish chapters in weeks just because most of my time is spent on trying to figure out how to draw backgrounds and effects and then drawing the panels cleanly and SO MACH WORK. I think traditional manga is good for an experience, but I think I would probably be more comfortable with digital.
(Woah sorry for the long rant. I just woke up a moment ago and am super energized right now! XD)