Lol, that is good. Also I guess it's an additional boost to those you do comment on because you took the time to do so. Lets them know they're worth it X3 I don't receive as many comments as I used to due to my hiatus, so it's nice when I do get some =^_^=
I haven't had a twitter for more than a day, but I think the main thing about it is a way to reach your own audience more than keeping up with others. Although it's good for that, too. I can't say my opinion is too valid since I'm inexperienced, there, but I'd say not to stress much about twitter.
Lol, good idea X3 A double whammy would be cosplaying your own characters as popular ones. That way you draw views and get people interested in your characters a bit, too. Though there is the other side where people will be like "I came here for the original, boo," but, y'know, can't please everyone =P My pony stuff tends to get more favorites on DA since people request to submit it to related galleries. When this game is done, I'll look into doing more fanart, too X3
Thanks! And I think you are totally right about the commenting thing, actually it makes me feel a lot better that you said that because now I will not feel bad for not commenting on everyone else's stuff. I will comment where I feel I need to comment. Thanks!
And yeah...tumblr is very time consuming, but fun as well as instagram. I mainly just look a pics, say if I like em or not and move along so its nice to do that and also post my stuff with tags and see it be shared and I don't mind those sites as much, but I feel like twitter and these other places are more text heavy, where it matters if I reply or not and then I just feel stressed...;orz
And yeah, I think I will try to do more fanart...mostly because I am more in the mood for fanart...XD Maybe peeps will notice me then? (Senpai notice me pweez) XD
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/02/16 | Reply
*catches steam in a bag and lets it float into the atmosphere* =w= *waves goodbye to steam* Oh look, a steam sale~! *buys more steam* XD
Anywho, on commenting, I would say rather than focusing on commenting on a lot of things, just comment meaningful comments on thing you think deserve comments. It's nice to receive a "that looks great!", "super smexy" or "how cute~", but what really makes us all happy is to know WHAT we like about someone's art. That's much more motivating and puts everyone on the right track to give people more of what they want. Am I right? =3
Oh jeez, I just joined Twitter today and I was trying to stay off that, but there's a computer rig contest happening and you HAVE to use Twitter for it XD; I wanna better gaming rig for more than just gaming =P
I probably won't join pixiv, but there's SOOO many good arts there X3
I think I typically visit the same websites over and over (deviantArt, theO, email, and facebook) then cycle through them looking for new stuff because I'm bored. I stay away from tumblr because I usually end up wasting TOO much time there... XD; I only go when I wanna look for more flufflepuff comics =eUe=
Commissions do seem hard to get, especially if you only do original work. Seems like a lot of people who get commissions also do a lot of fanart and that where my shortcomings are =>u>;=
Good luck with keeping up with the internet~ You can always come back here to rant! *waves*
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/03/16 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
Lol, that is good. Also I guess it's an additional boost to those you do comment on because you took the time to do so. Lets them know they're worth it X3 I don't receive as many comments as I used to due to my hiatus, so it's nice when I do get some =^_^=
I haven't had a twitter for more than a day, but I think the main thing about it is a way to reach your own audience more than keeping up with others. Although it's good for that, too. I can't say my opinion is too valid since I'm inexperienced, there, but I'd say not to stress much about twitter.
Lol, good idea X3 A double whammy would be cosplaying your own characters as popular ones. That way you draw views and get people interested in your characters a bit, too. Though there is the other side where people will be like "I came here for the original, boo," but, y'know, can't please everyone =P My pony stuff tends to get more favorites on DA since people request to submit it to related galleries. When this game is done, I'll look into doing more fanart, too X3
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/03/16 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
Thanks! And I think you are totally right about the commenting thing, actually it makes me feel a lot better that you said that because now I will not feel bad for not commenting on everyone else's stuff. I will comment where I feel I need to comment. Thanks!
And yeah...tumblr is very time consuming, but fun as well as instagram. I mainly just look a pics, say if I like em or not and move along so its nice to do that and also post my stuff with tags and see it be shared and I don't mind those sites as much, but I feel like twitter and these other places are more text heavy, where it matters if I reply or not and then I just feel stressed...;orz
And yeah, I think I will try to do more fanart...mostly because I am more in the mood for fanart...XD Maybe peeps will notice me then? (Senpai notice me pweez) XD
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/02/16 | Reply
*catches steam in a bag and lets it float into the atmosphere* =w= *waves goodbye to steam* Oh look, a steam sale~! *buys more steam* XD
Anywho, on commenting, I would say rather than focusing on commenting on a lot of things, just comment meaningful comments on thing you think deserve comments. It's nice to receive a "that looks great!", "super smexy" or "how cute~", but what really makes us all happy is to know WHAT we like about someone's art. That's much more motivating and puts everyone on the right track to give people more of what they want. Am I right? =3
Oh jeez, I just joined Twitter today and I was trying to stay off that, but there's a computer rig contest happening and you HAVE to use Twitter for it XD; I wanna better gaming rig for more than just gaming =P
I probably won't join pixiv, but there's SOOO many good arts there X3
I think I typically visit the same websites over and over (deviantArt, theO, email, and facebook) then cycle through them looking for new stuff because I'm bored. I stay away from tumblr because I usually end up wasting TOO much time there... XD; I only go when I wanna look for more flufflepuff comics =eUe=
Commissions do seem hard to get, especially if you only do original work. Seems like a lot of people who get commissions also do a lot of fanart and that where my shortcomings are =>u>;=
Good luck with keeping up with the internet~ You can always come back here to rant! *waves*