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Okay, you may or may not know this, but I am a HUGE Harvest Moon fan!!! I've got FoMT, MFoMT, MM, Harvest Moon DS, Harvest Moon DS Cute, and Rune Factory. I use to have AWL, Another Wonderful Life, and AWL: Special Edition, but I sold them for the Wii. I am trying to get ToT & IoH for Christmas, but enough about me, more about the new games I'm so excited that are coming out.

First off, Harvest Moon: Exciting Animal March which will be for the wii which is basically a sequel to ToT with two new characters to choose to play as including the ones from ToT and the Harvest Goddess, Harvest God, Witch, and Wizard are bachelors and bachelorettes. There is much more new stuff, but that's the main new stuff.

Then there is Harvest Moon: Sunshine and Friends which won't have much difference from IoH except for new characters. I'm not THAT excited about this one because it's hardly anything new, the island is just turned into an archipelago and some new people come to town, not much happening there.

Then there is Harvest Moon: Welcome! Wind Bazaar which sounds extremely interesting. You get to choose as a girl or boy. YOU CAN THROW STUFF AND JUMP!! That part is just too awesome, making me REALLY want to buy it, but it's not out yet in America.

And the newest Harvest Moon game is for the PSP(which I don't have, so I'm kinda sad) this game is called Harvest Moon: Sugar Village and Everyone's Wish. I don't know much about it except that it's for the PSP and will not come out in Japan until March 2009, it is still in development.

And oddly enough there is gonna be a Harvest Moon Online. I'm not THAT excited about it because I'm not really sure how it's going to work, it's very confusing.

Well, that's about it. Hope you're just as excited as I am. If you want more information on these upcoming games go to ushi no tane or ranch story(type them in on Google because I don't know how to get you directly to the websites even with links).
