NOTICE: Totally dead, but browse or post if you want. lol

Welcome to the Lolita Chateau!

This is a world completely dedicated to lolita fashion! Anything loli related can be posted here, such as photos, recipies, poems, tutorials, stories, etc. If you'd like to be a guest poster here, just send me a message! ^^ But if you do post in this world, please refrain from using any harsh language. This world is open to everyone, and lolitas should be well-mannered and polite anyway. Thank you and enjoy! ^o^

Victorian Fashion Plates

I have always been fond of Victorian fashion plates and have used them as inspiration for the gothic lolita dresses I designed over the years. Fashion plates were the f...

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How to make a straw bonnet!

I found this simple tutorial on how to make a bonnet out of a straw hat! Now, I admit that I am a country lolita so I have a soft spot for straw, and I adore the Victorian era so I love bonnets, but this is just too cute. If I can get my hands on a plain ole straw hat I am definitely doing this!
