I am tehmekemonster! If you are looking for random tidbits and words you've come to the right place! You can read as much as you want of that here! Feel free to tell me what you think of all of it too! Writing it doesn't do me any good if no one tells me how it could be better!!

have fun, okay?

the endeavors of destiny

What is destiny? The divine? Is it even my place to define it? Some may believe in a cause behind events over which we have no control, and even still we all explain and interpret these things differently? What do you believe? and before you call it blasphemy, hear my story.....

Suzanne fabre was dreaming, but she was stil awake. she was ill and this was normal. Her head ached, her bones were stiff, she blamed her age. She was nearing her fourties and being idle for so long make her prone to sickness. However, something made her stir, what it was she had no idea. She simply had the over whelming desire to see the sun and take a stroll through manor gardens.

Never had she felt the need to move so badly and when he did her pain seemed lessened. What relief! She immediately put on her shoes and stepped into the courtyard.

The yard was empty, completely cleared. Not a soul despite the nice weather and myraid of colorful blooms. She strode about admiring the flowers that pete the gardener took care of so very well. She was then interuppted by a unfirmliar voice.

"my, my, my, to see one as beautiful as you among the petals. It must be my lucky day."

Suzanne turned to see a face as unfirmilar and mysterious as the voice it belonged to. One malkuth soldier stood before her bowing slightly to show respect and smiling mischievously.

"And who are you?" Suzanne inquired, more curious them surprised.

"I am colonel Jade Curtiss" he stated dropping to one knee "and you must be the Lady Fabre" He smiled taking her hand and kissing the first knuckle sweetly.

Was it destiny? Was it really? Or maybe it was cruel fate that they could never be as one. Who could ever be sure....

Sorry Luke, Jade didn't help you out because he thought it a good cause, he just had a thing for your mom.

the endevors of dreaming

hey~~! I'm back after a short break! good to see you all! On to the actual post, hurrah!

so, how does it feel to dream? like being in a state of euphoria, magical and dazed, I seem to stumble through my dreams like Alice in wonderland. don't get me wrong though, I love to dream! dreams are a vacation for your mind and imagination. in fact I came up with an interesting one just last night, here goes

math on the third story classroom was a bit like hell, you had some good people who do bad things but mostly you have those criminals who think they are the good guys but aren't. I was one of the good guys and I hated this class. the teacher had a thick Spanish accent which made her hard to understand and by sixth period she made so many mistakes I probably wouldn't be able to understand her otherwise.

that was when he walked in, the math teacher from first story classroom. he was an elegant gentleman, the Epiphany of anime character goodness and he had been paying a lot of attention to me as of late (and I loved it). Gracefully striding over to my own teacher he had a small conversation in Spanish with her (I only understood a little Spanish and didn't catch all of it) and took over teaching.

he must be a genius! a master of math because the lowly likes of me, an artist with no logical sense, could understand it! after lecturing and drawing up graphs he walked the classroom and gave help to the struggling students.

"do you understand all of this?" He asked when it came my turn.
"y-yeah!" I said a lot more enthusiastically then I intended.
He gave me a warm smile and moved on. It may have been warm to others but it was hot enough to melt my icy heart.

later, in my little dorm, I was having a mild panic attack. I was under much stress and the imaginary love affair I had with the first story math teacher , whose name was Derrem by the way, didn’t help. There was a knock on the door and a muffled voice asking for me to come out, I was sure even though I couldn’t tell, that it was my brother just being annoying.
“go away!” I shouted, “all I want right now is that sexy math teacher!” I heard the door squeak open. I whipped around ready to beat the living snot out of my smaller sibling when I saw who it was, who else would it have been but Derrem, the sexy math teacher from the first story. I felt hot and burn-y all over, my body shook for nervousness and embarrassment. I couldn’t think of a single word to say.
“the writer is speechless.” He mused with a smile, and sexy smile at that. I just stood with my jaw dropped. “I was just looking to see if you finished your homework but I see you are busy.” he began to turn away.
He turned to leave, I wanted to jump over and bury my face in his chest but I was still frozen.
“oh, and don’t be so worried,” he mentioned nonchalantly over his shoulder “you’ll get what you want in the end…”

Was that weird or what? and I come up with that while I sleep!

the endevors of timing

How is it that the world relies on timing? Perfect timing at that, is the human race so in sync that most of our problems are because of timing lack? For instance, did you make a Osama Bin Laden joke too soon in class today? That means most of your classmates think you are a jerk now huh? Better timing could have prevented that! Forgetfulness leads to bad timing too. I'm a giant air head, so I'm told, I guess I would know! Here's what I mean, in fiction for your enjoy-ment!

I checked my planner one Thursday night, home work? done, lunch packed for tomorrow? done, permission slip for tomorrows field trip? uhhhhh.... problem!
but I was so tired already! I'll do it tomorrow, when people are awake and haven't settled down yet, I was sure that by this hour my father was already sleeping. Someday I'll get you for this timing!!!!

yes, short and horrible. I suppose all people have off days!

the endevors of eating

How does it feel to be hyper? Awesome, as if sugar were your fuel and you were a rocket or perhaps a nyan-cat shooting through space with a trail of rainbows in your wake. Ahhhhh, sugar. What could we achieve without you? Speaking of food, how do you like meatloaf? Then you can appreciate this. It's just a description of my diet for today ( o rly??)

I had to swallow the food I put in my mouth, I had been taught that from child hood but was it worth the meatloaf I had shoved there now causing such mental distress? I choked it down, the crumble-y meat chunks like culinary gravel to my expensive palette. I rushed to the fridge to pour myself a glass of creamy milk. To no avail! The low-grade beef had scarred my tongue; metaphorically speaking of course.

I remembered the good eats I had consumed earlier, even if I had a preference for quality meat I had no problems with store brand sweets. It was a Fred Myers blackberry mini pie, and how incredibly sweet it was! Like a blackberry itself, a real one that is. So bold! So sugary! Imposing like thorns to my mouth and fragile like the little fruit squishing on a midsummer evening. Ahhhh bliss is this..... cheap baked goods.....

what can i say, i love pie!

the endevors of being a newbie

How does it feel being new? Like a brick on my head, in a sort of pressing way. As if sed brick were placed on my head, not dropped. So you feel the pressure slowly get worse and worse until you take the frickin' brick off your head! That's kind of how it is being new on a site, you get the sense of starting over and starting at the bottom of the food chain. Oh here we go again!

But I over exaggerate! how is it really? for real? odd, but still a bit brick-y! Do you like ducks? good, you'll like this then it's a fever dream of mine hope you enjoy!

I was sick one night, alone and sick with a high fever. I knew I shouldn't be walking all over the house but I was still awake and restless at eleven o' clock. Good little girls (the sick ones at least)should be in bed sleeping. I stepped out of my room for the fifth time that night and was startled at the change of lighting and temperature. It was bright and warm like a sauna or spa. A slip n' slide and been stretched down the stairs and a water spout was gushing water like Niagara falls! There were also thousands of ducks; rubber ducks, yellow and happy gently floating and bobbing about into the landing below.

At the bottom I ran in to a person who only existed in my favorite animes, he was the notorious blue haired character! He was sitting calmly, counting ducks and being mysterious when I confronted him.

"hey!" I stomped right up to him,"what are you doing here?"

"why, I was taking care of these ducks" he said nonchalantly.

"and my house, my living space, was a place to do that!" I shouted in disregard to the sleeping people upstairs.

"it's fine," he answered calmly, "we can just go watch a movie"

And watch a movie we did.

like it? sure hope so!
