hope u hav fun. cons r awsome and u will never forget ur first. Dont worry everyone at cons r usually nice. i was shocked at first cause i was not expecting all the super friendly people.
(ps. if u take a camera most people will let u take pics. of their awsome cosplay my friend took lots of pics and im waiting to get my copies now.)
Eiri Yuki s Lover
YukiFangirlSupreme (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/20/09 | Reply
hope u hav fun. cons r awsome and u will never forget ur first. Dont worry everyone at cons r usually nice. i was shocked at first cause i was not expecting all the super friendly people.
(ps. if u take a camera most people will let u take pics. of their awsome cosplay my friend took lots of pics and im waiting to get my copies now.)