AH BERT IS ONE CUTIE ADORABLE BOY!!!!! Oh man, I wish you could get him!!!! I know what you mean, I myself had trouble getting my parents to allow me a dog >3< I used to play with stuffed dogs all the time x3 And finally they got me a puppy when I was 12! I sstill have him, he is the bestest friend ever!!
And this is very neat for you to dream of a dog and it to look like Bert too!
OK so if your mom hates dogs because of training and shedding, I don't mean to be mean, but that sounds like excuses. Maybe she's worried to just take on another responsibility? But what you do is you don't beg!! Speak to her and reason too. If you want a dog, you'll have to take care of them constantly, especially right away (Oh yeah, I'm a dogwalker too so I get some learning from that!)
Another thing, they might not decide over night so hang in there, but don't get toooo attached to Bert just in case.
Plus, owning a dog is so fun, its much more then just working but it does require the work^^ But its definitely worth it!!
If you need any more advice, I'll always wanna help ya!
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/09/12 | Reply
AH BERT IS ONE CUTIE ADORABLE BOY!!!!! Oh man, I wish you could get him!!!! I know what you mean, I myself had trouble getting my parents to allow me a dog >3< I used to play with stuffed dogs all the time x3 And finally they got me a puppy when I was 12! I sstill have him, he is the bestest friend ever!!
And this is very neat for you to dream of a dog and it to look like Bert too!
OK so if your mom hates dogs because of training and shedding, I don't mean to be mean, but that sounds like excuses. Maybe she's worried to just take on another responsibility? But what you do is you don't beg!! Speak to her and reason too. If you want a dog, you'll have to take care of them constantly, especially right away (Oh yeah, I'm a dogwalker too so I get some learning from that!)
Another thing, they might not decide over night so hang in there, but don't get toooo attached to Bert just in case.
Plus, owning a dog is so fun, its much more then just working but it does require the work^^ But its definitely worth it!!
If you need any more advice, I'll always wanna help ya!