"dear god, I've turned into some sort of hipster-otaku hybrid!"

welcome, it's nice to see you!


http://www.theotaku.com/fanart/challenges/view/1846/pay_it_forward/ I finally got my results up! I apologize in advance for a few things. I am sor...

Read the full post ยป

Sorry everyone!

this i a post cocernig my "pay it forward" challenge. you might think i a ignoring you or just not online. both of those are false.
i am having issues getting comment boxes to open correctly, hence some people's questions aren't being answered. sorry about all that...SO if you have a questions or concerns, please put them in my comments here! I'll make another world post with answers up. also to everyone who has already submites, I LOVE THEM ALL!! T^T i had comments for all of them, but like I said, i can't get boxes open!
just know I do look at all comments and entries, I am trying my very best! *please forgive meeee!!*

Have a great day, smile: the world is already smiling at you!
Pay it forward challenge/
