"dear god, I've turned into some sort of hipster-otaku hybrid!"
welcome, it's nice to see you!
"dear god, I've turned into some sort of hipster-otaku hybrid!"
welcome, it's nice to see you!
I am feeling kinda down now...
i was wondering if any of you guys have any advice for me?
heres' the scenario,
today I told my dad That I needed a new sketchbook for art class. *mine is all used up now* my dad was goofing around and told me to "prove it"
so i got it out and showed it to him. he laughed and flipped through it. commenting on all the pictures I drew.
Now i love my dad. i love him a ton. but sometimes he says things that really piss me off.
so as he's looking through it, he noticed my "pen name" sammi Nishikiori, nishikiori like micchi from kamichama karin. he kinda frownd and asked me what it was. i told him. he immidiatly closed up my sketch book and began yelling at me. "why in the world would you use a japanese name?????!!!!" i kinda shrugged, i didn't feel like aguing with him. expecially after we were having such a good time earlier.
but then he went on his whole "there ain't nothing good about the japanese" speech he always stumbles into all the time.
it makes me so angry...almost everytime he says that i start crying. GRAH so unfair. I try to explain to him that it isn't WW2 anymore, and now we are friends. but no, he just keeps going like his opinion is the only thing that matters. i understand he had trouble with WW2 when he was a kid,*his dad was always going on about it*
he looks at me and says
"you know how I feel about the Japanese. ....he acts like My hobbies are trash. words cannot express how enraged I get when he talks like that.
i really want to look at him one of these days and tell him
"yes, i know how you feel about the japanese, but you don't seem to understand how I feel about them."
and the worst thing is- I don't think my dad is proud of all my hard work. he looks at manga like it's a parasyte. it gets me kinda sad. he doesn't say "good job" or "that looks really nice" very much anymore.
...I don't know, But I think my dad is getting more close-minded as he is getting older...
I have tried everything. but does anyone have any advice on how I can convince my dad to stop saying things like that??
thank you so much....goodnight everyone.
gosh.....junior high...in other words,
a strange, messed-up, pit of darkness..for some people..
a friends of mine has been in a funk lately, another friend has been too... my guy friend (lets call him LIII) made the first friend (let's just call her GIII for now...so i don't have to use names) sad
I didn't want to get involved...like i REALLY didn't want to get involved...but i didn't want to sit back and watch anymore...i care about them both dearly.but HE has been kinda an ass...:(
so I told him what needed to be said...
I told him to think about what he has been doing, to look at the big picture, and look into his heart and decide.
I don't know if any of it will really reach to him, and in the process i may have made GIII mad at me...i feel bad, but i hope it will get things streightened out well....somethimes i wish they would realize that i don;t usualy get upset, but somethimes i do...like now.still I'm not sure..i just want summer so i can forget all about this school year and the shitty (sorry for my french) stuff that has come up this year...talk to you all later... i guess