gosh.....junior high...in other words,
a strange, messed-up, pit of darkness..for some people..
a friends of mine has been in a funk lately, another friend has been too... my guy friend (lets call him LIII) made the first friend (let's just call her GIII for now...so i don't have to use names) sad
I didn't want to get involved...like i REALLY didn't want to get involved...but i didn't want to sit back and watch anymore...i care about them both dearly.but HE has been kinda an ass...:(
so I told him what needed to be said...
I told him to think about what he has been doing, to look at the big picture, and look into his heart and decide.
I don't know if any of it will really reach to him, and in the process i may have made GIII mad at me...i feel bad, but i hope it will get things streightened out well....somethimes i wish they would realize that i don;t usualy get upset, but somethimes i do...like now.still I'm not sure..i just want summer so i can forget all about this school year and the shitty (sorry for my french) stuff that has come up this year...talk to you all later... i guess