Pretty much all my daily event and rants. I'll try to update much as I can
- Created By ichitaka05
Made my day~~
How's everyone's week goin'? As for me, this week is already been busy and nightmare week~! Start off Monday, I had test in Econ plus 4 page papers were due. Today, need to study for test in Hum class with 1 page report of "Races" with presentation tomorrow.
Also did my Safety & Emission test for my car, couldn't pass due to Battery Holder is gone and my D&P side windows were to tinted. LOL So I have 15 days to come back and pass it.
Anyways, while going through crisis, my friend sent me this pic
IDK why, but that pic made my day! I just couldn't stop laughing! I was at work when I saw this, so other co-workers were looking at me weird... But O'well.
Well, I'll be buying new battery holder and razor blading off the tint this weekend.. But as for now, I'll be studying for test, presentation & picking up my mother from chemotherapy. Busy Wednesday is coming up~~~! BUT after tomorrow, only thing I'll be worrying is 2 art projects, translating a movie, fixing my car, & few here and there stuff~~~~!
Just one more day......
Small World... Chura Dama
So last night, I was subbing the anime. I got bit tired, so I was taking some break and check some e-mail. In all the junk mail and odd mails, I found one mail from my friend, who live in Japan (way far from there my family lives in Japan). She give me some info on what's going on in Jpop and entertainment stuff in Japan.
Anyways, she told me one artist make other single featuring other artist. So, I check it it out in this site and found the Music Video! So I start watching that MV... And one part catch my eyes. Here's the pic
And I was like. "I know, I've seen that somewhere before..." Thinking, thinking, and did more thinking. I just couldn't figure out where I saw that.
While I was getting meltdown, my friend text me to see what's up.... And look what I found!
This thing is called チュラ玉 (Chura Dama), word "Chura" in Okinawan it means "Pretty" and word "Dama" is Japanese "Ball", so total "Pretty Ball" there are 12 different colors of ChuraDama and it goes by birth month. Also, word Chura have been used in anime before too. You can find the ChuraDama only in Okinawa, Japan. No other place in Japan has it! Mine is July and lucky enough to get my fav color RED!
Anyways, I thought that was pretty small world, so write a blog about it. LOL Anyone had those kind of thing before?
Yeah~~~~! Weekend has come! Finally, finally! My car's front windshield got replace with new one and it looks nice now, but my wallet aren't looking nice. LOL
Anyways, recently my friend's friend (gotta love those connection) ask me to sub a anime for them..... Not only subbing 25 mins long anime.... BUT whole 1hr 40mins long anime!!! So they sent me the movie and look at the time "Gake no Ue no Ponyo". Hm.... I heard that some where. So just check in the Wiki (gotta love Wiki) and it's a another Ghibli Studio anime! I wanted to watch this anime, so it worked out for me.
BUT no subber's has sub this anime yet? That's really strange. Ghibli is one of the famous anime studio, so I would of expected to see some subbing ASAP... But I guess now.
It's kinda nice that I'll get paid to sub. I highly doubt that, it's ain't gonna be any big bones, but it'll be nice gas money. LOL
So far, I've finished subbing 30mins long. I still have 1hr 10mins and they ask me to finish it by next weekend. Man, they sure know how to work a lazy man. LOL
Anyways, wish me a luck!
Now days, Internet slag is used a lot. By all means, it's easy to use. I'll admit, I use it A LOT! Now let's see some of em
LOL - Laughing Out Loud
BRB - Be Right Back
IMO - In My Opinion
LMAO - Laughing My Azz Off
ROTFL - Rolling the Floor Laughing
IIRC - If I remember Correctly
TTYL - Talk To You Later
WTH - What the Hell
WTF - What the F$%&
AFK - Away From Keyboard
OMG - Oh My God
IDK - I Don't Know
PTO - Place Time Object
AFAIR - As Far As I Recall
BTW - By the Way
UL - Up Load
DL - Down Load
Now, that's just some that I can think. Now I saw these, and made me laugh
CSI - Can't Stand Idiots
CTR - Cook the Rice
LTK - Look to Kill
TMM - Telling My Mommy
What are some of Internet Slang that you read or heard that made you laugh?
btw, if you don't know some terms check this site and it might help you with some of the means.
So I had a staff meeting today at one of my part time job. Meeting went pretty boring as always..... But today was just a bit different. My manager announce that I was awarded for Best Librarian of the Library for 2007~2008 (I don't remember, I did something special, but O'well). I just it's prety big award cuz, it's selected by each levels of managers and submitted to Library Directors and Friend of Library Organization to choose only 3 ppl.
As an award I received a Little paper saying "Best Librarian blah blah" with a 4gb I-Pod Nano (yeah for Nano). I already have 10gb I-Pod, so I decided to give it to my step-father. He wanted I-Pod for a while and 4gb is good enough size to DL all his 60's musics (not saying bad about 60's music).
After I gave it to him..... Telling myself "Man, should of sold it at eBay for some $$$$$$!" (I kid, I kid). Now, sounds like he's enjoying the Nano and trying to figure out how it works. LOL
All in all, gotta love free I-Pod~~