Hey, so you did it, and I have to say I like the style of this little review. Breaking it into pros and cons essentially. It's kind of cool to see the sphere system come back, and the way you describe the map I'd have to say that it does sound like people are complaining for nothing. I guess I'd have to see for myself but still, it doesn't sound like something worth complaining over. About the loading times, well what I've heard is that SquareEnix found a way to use the blu-ray and the PS3 to somehow make the load times much faster without having to install the game to the hard drive. Currently the only other game that can do that is Uncharted 2.
Ha, I like your list too, by the way pretty much how I'd make mine. 7 wouldn't be on there either, well, not in the top 5 anyway for me. I liked 8 much more as well.
I think this is stuff I'd definitely have to mention in my podcast. Good of you to not put any spoilers too.
Last edited by xaos at 12:54:03 AM EST on February 10, 2010.
Burning Spirit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/10/10 | Reply
Hey, so you did it, and I have to say I like the style of this little review. Breaking it into pros and cons essentially. It's kind of cool to see the sphere system come back, and the way you describe the map I'd have to say that it does sound like people are complaining for nothing. I guess I'd have to see for myself but still, it doesn't sound like something worth complaining over. About the loading times, well what I've heard is that SquareEnix found a way to use the blu-ray and the PS3 to somehow make the load times much faster without having to install the game to the hard drive. Currently the only other game that can do that is Uncharted 2.
Ha, I like your list too, by the way pretty much how I'd make mine. 7 wouldn't be on there either, well, not in the top 5 anyway for me. I liked 8 much more as well.
I think this is stuff I'd definitely have to mention in my podcast. Good of you to not put any spoilers too.
Last edited by xaos at 12:54:03 AM EST on February 10, 2010.