LOL no, that's not my car. I found it on one of the folder, so I just UL it. I'm not sure, if I've posted my car in here. Maybe I might...
Yeah, I had to work, so I saw it on matchplay on They went ET and Ghana scored... US tried to score, but no luck.
Tomorrow gonna be Argentina vs Mexico & Germany vs England. My bet is on Argentina & Germany. Mexico is doin' great, but not great as Argentina. England is doin' horrible this yr.
Hm... you might see the preview this weekend... never know.
Yeah, she's nice girl... but she's just sex-holic. She goes crazy without sex, if she doesn't have it every other day. Most of her bf can't handle that, so they break up within 2 weeks or so... sorry tmi huh.
My step-dad is like that. He goes through gallon of milk in 3~4 days (iirc). In my frig there's no milk. lol
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/26/10 | Reply
LOL no, that's not my car. I found it on one of the folder, so I just UL it. I'm not sure, if I've posted my car in here. Maybe I might...
Yeah, I had to work, so I saw it on matchplay on They went ET and Ghana scored... US tried to score, but no luck.
Tomorrow gonna be Argentina vs Mexico & Germany vs England. My bet is on Argentina & Germany. Mexico is doin' great, but not great as Argentina. England is doin' horrible this yr.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/26/10 | Reply
@Angel Zakuro:
Hm... you might see the preview this weekend... never know.
Yeah, she's nice girl... but she's just sex-holic. She goes crazy without sex, if she doesn't have it every other day. Most of her bf can't handle that, so they break up within 2 weeks or so... sorry tmi huh.
My step-dad is like that. He goes through gallon of milk in 3~4 days (iirc). In my frig there's no milk. lol
Burning Spirit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/26/10 | Reply
Tags are making their rounds again eh? Though you're just doing this to do it. So I guess I can't call it a tag. XD
Dang, you're an inch taller than me. XD You love your car huh? If that's your car in the picture I can see why. We're alike in some ways.
Speaking of Japan and Denmark did you see USA vs Ghana, we were doing well but Ghana still got us 2 to 1.
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 06/23/10 | Reply
Oooh, good luck on the drawing. ;3 Is it Belimai perhaps? Lol.
You KNOW someone who's had sex with 5 people this month? Ewww...
Aw, and that sucks you're lactose intolerant! OMG I'd die without milk products. I'm drinking milk right now. ^^; And I love shakes...
Take care!
Master of Kittehs (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/23/10 | Reply