I just read your post about the accident. :( That is so horrible!! Ugh. I hope that you feel better soon! But things like the spine take a while to heal...and neck and stuff, my goodness. I know neck pain, and so I can't imagine what you're feeling!
Our weather has been a bit nicer, but we're supposed to get more snow this week...I don't know...
Wow, that's a lot more expensive to get the JP version. D: But I can understand wanting the better VA's!
I'll have to listen to that song later lol. Interesting.
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 02/07/11 | Reply
I just read your post about the accident. :( That is so horrible!! Ugh. I hope that you feel better soon! But things like the spine take a while to heal...and neck and stuff, my goodness. I know neck pain, and so I can't imagine what you're feeling!
Our weather has been a bit nicer, but we're supposed to get more snow this week...I don't know...
Wow, that's a lot more expensive to get the JP version. D: But I can understand wanting the better VA's!
I'll have to listen to that song later lol. Interesting.
Good luck with your drawing if you can get to it!
Take care~