Wow! Look at that spread! Nice meal! :3 I don't like turkey. XD But we always have it! You're lucky you didn't have to eat it all that time. *laugh* But it seems like you had a good day then. That's cool he cooked, too!!
Aww, Sakura. XD Cute. Hehe. Golden eyes!! Well, we gave Totoro turkey...
That new drawing looks awesome! Really cool~~~~~ I can't wait! Too bad you put the other one on hold. XD I bet you'll go back to it soon, and it'll be really *thinks* fantabulous. I'm overusing the words: awesome, fantastic, great, amazing...needs to think of more words...
Girls clothes are hard? Well, I can never draw guys...aside from vectoring Ritsuka!!! >_< Then again, he's so girly. *laugh* And I'm technically not "drawing"...tracing more like it.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/29/08 | Reply
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 11/28/08 | Reply
Wow! Look at that spread! Nice meal! :3 I don't like turkey. XD But we always have it! You're lucky you didn't have to eat it all that time. *laugh* But it seems like you had a good day then. That's cool he cooked, too!!
Aww, Sakura. XD Cute. Hehe. Golden eyes!! Well, we gave Totoro turkey...
That new drawing looks awesome! Really cool~~~~~ I can't wait! Too bad you put the other one on hold. XD I bet you'll go back to it soon, and it'll be really *thinks* fantabulous. I'm overusing the words: awesome, fantastic, great, amazing...needs to think of more words...
Girls clothes are hard? Well, I can never draw guys...aside from vectoring Ritsuka!!! >_< Then again, he's so girly. *laugh* And I'm technically not "drawing"...tracing more like it.
Good luck with that paper. :3 Take care~