*stumblefallcollapse* Yeah! Made it. Hello, Interwebs!

Salvete, Omnia! Or hello you all, for those that prefer undead languages. I'm the Mai-Mai! It's very nice to meet everyone! Let's see, I'm a college fishie and a proud Buckeye! English is my major of choice (so by all means, correct my grammar. I ENJOY it!). I'm also a notorious cosplayer and a high-pitched fangirl in many instances. Cosplay video! I play Roxas.

However, I'm much better known as Pikachu. Here's one of the pictures from a cosplay photoshoot I participated in for my anime club's calendar.

My favorite series of anime and/or manga consists of (in nothing particularly resembling order)- Gundam Wing, Pokemon, DeathNote, Prince of Tennis, the Demon Ororon, Library War, Little Butterfly, Appleseed, and Baccano. Though, naturally, I quite adore many others.

So yes! Enjoy your stay here. I love meeting people and making friends, so drop me some sort of line! I try to respond regularly. Luff and pocky!



Oh my god, the last few weeks of winter quarter did NOT play around. In all total I did 135 hours at work-work in the span of three weeks (these three weeks involving midterms, essays, and finals week, bee tee dubs) on top of class work. @_@ Meep. BUT I PASSED ALL MY CLASSES ANYWAAAAY. <3

I also survived Spring Break with my mother. 8D

So, yeah, new quarter, new busy, new me! But I'm excited. Whoo!

Heart you all. God give me strength to keep going.

Why I love being an Omnivore

Shredded deli-style chicken on wheat toast with pepperjack cheese, barbecue sauce, and barbecue potato chips.


And it was free.

... Random post is random but I have nothing better to write about and I don't want to fall back off the horse. Omnomnom!

Hey Guys...

Hey everyone...

I'm not... going to make any promises I can't keep, like posting more or getting on chat every day or anything... But I want you guys to know I will try.

I will really, really try.

Because I truly miss you all.

I got an e-mail titled "TheO misses you!" and I realized I miss you guys, too.

I don't get online much at all anymore, not here, AIM, MSN, even Facebook... I'm a lot busier than I used to be, I'm dealing with emotional turbulence as well as work and school and all those usual things I won't bore you with.

Anyway. Just checking in... 'Cause I'm still your Mai-Mai and I still do love you guys, even if I suck.



Technically less than that. My finals are all early, I'm done on Tuesday. =D

I HAD MY LAST LATIN CLASS TOOOODAAAAAAAAAY. Except for the final on Tuesday, of course.

Sleep and updates and participation should resume after I move out of the dorm. ^^ I'm spending summer in New York with my sister, far away from Texas. Yays!

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to finish writing an essay about lesbian experimentation in modern America in comparison with lesbian chic during the Harlem Renaissance. ^__^


Real-life is kicking my ass right now... Between Latin translations and build-up of stress, I've started up with a lot of mental things that I haven't had to deal with in a few years. The main one being anxiety attacks, which I haven't really had for three years until recently. They're awful, I start hyperventilating, my nails claw at my palms, and I shake really, really bad... They can last anywhere from a few minutes to nearly an hour. I don't really know what happens during them, I only know what I do from my friends who have been with me when they occur, and the scratches on my palms linger. Nothing wears you out quite like one, either, I can tell you that much...

One of my friends is trying to get me to go see a therapist about depression and anxiety and stuff, but I dunno. I don't feel like there's anything anybody could do, that I need to suck it up and deal with it.

Anyway. I am still alive. I promise. Just thought I'd remind everyone of this.

I've been trying to keep up with people's world posts, just haven't been commenting... I'm a lurker until further notice.