*stumblefallcollapse* Yeah! Made it. Hello, Interwebs!

Salvete, Omnia! Or hello you all, for those that prefer undead languages. I'm the Mai-Mai! It's very nice to meet everyone! Let's see, I'm a college fishie and a proud Buckeye! English is my major of choice (so by all means, correct my grammar. I ENJOY it!). I'm also a notorious cosplayer and a high-pitched fangirl in many instances. Cosplay video! I play Roxas.

However, I'm much better known as Pikachu. Here's one of the pictures from a cosplay photoshoot I participated in for my anime club's calendar.

My favorite series of anime and/or manga consists of (in nothing particularly resembling order)- Gundam Wing, Pokemon, DeathNote, Prince of Tennis, the Demon Ororon, Library War, Little Butterfly, Appleseed, and Baccano. Though, naturally, I quite adore many others.

So yes! Enjoy your stay here. I love meeting people and making friends, so drop me some sort of line! I try to respond regularly. Luff and pocky!

Adonis? What does Teen Titans have to do with- oh. ... THAT Adonis...

HOLY UPDATE LIST. O_O ... I guess this is what happens when you play with the chat feature instead of commenting and such. XD;;; Eheheheh... On the bright side, the chat is... FREAKIN' AWESOME.

I sat down and made a list of things I want to cosplay in the near future, and I seriously think it's getting out of hand. ^_^ What can I say...?

Also, randomly, I had to attend one of several choices discussions for freshman, and I chose one over body image and health. The lecturer (a woman) spent the entire seminar telling us how society is neglecting our men and how their feelings are overlooked in regards to body distortion. So I guess I have this to say-

Ladies, go tell the men in your life how sexy they are. Right now. No, really. DO IIIIIIT.

GAH, I have so much homework. *rocks back in forth in corner* Stupid schoolwork! Getting in the way of my NaNo and internet time-wasting! Pssht, what does it think it is, priority?! XD


No, you guys, SERIOUSLY.

Somebody steal my cell phone, take me away from the computer, and make me work on my NaNo.

... Except that's where the file for my NaNo IS.

... CRAP.




Picture of me taken a few months ago when I got to college and volunteered to help register people to vote. *holds up Buckeyes for Obama button* GO TEAM OBAMA.


I am so happy right now. It's time for change. And now we can get it.

HOGAWD I was so tired from waking up to go vote as six. But now I can't sleep. =DDD

... Time to sit back, drink some tea, and work on my NaNoWriMo. BWAHAHAHA.


I woke up at some unholy hour this morning, stumbled to a nearby church, and cast my vote today! Of course then I nearly overslept when I passed back out and had to sprint to Latin, but still! Duty and privilege done! Whoot whoot!

Gaaawd I was so excited to vote. X3

Also, last night my dance partner and I, on our way back from ballroom dance tore down Nazi paraphernalia posters that solicited murdering schoolchildren in protest of something or another. In any case. It may have been a sick joke, but not a funny one by any means. Yeah. We tore that crap down...

I feel so patriotic. XD

If you haven't already and you're registered... GO VOTE!

Playing With The Boys Now

And now for my Anime Man-Harem. Hee.

Isaac, because he's lovely and charming and ALWAYS right.
Brock, because frankly, I've wanted to tap that since I was too young to know what "tap that" meant.
Ororon, because who WOULDN'T fall for the Devil?!
Alucard. Heehee. *foams at mouth*
Shigure, because what can I say? I'm a dog person. =P
Alto, because ZOOM ZOOM, ZOOM ZOOM, my boyfriend is a pilot!
Shuichi, because I never wanted to be an abusive, cigarette-smoking blonde until he fell for one.
And Eiji because Golden Pair love is WIN! ... No other reason. Honest! ^^; <3

Wow, that was fun. Now I really should do my Latin homework though. O_O