I had to gape at the polls today. There were at least ten booths, compared to the usual four, and I was the 861th person to vote in my city's district... when I'm normally under 100 in the mid-afternoon.
People are such slackers when it comes to that stuff.
Yeah, I voted this morning, the older ladies there gave me looks that said "Vote Republican or we'll slash your tires :D!" In Gov. class today we saw, ON LIVE INTERWEBS, Obama voting (it tooks 20 minutes and PLENTY of photo ops). After that, it was hilarious, this white girl was following him to shake his hand but he ignored her and shook all of the african americans hands (lawltastic).
Then it switched to Biden (I was surprised he even knew where he was), it took him like 2 seconds (idiot probably chose Republican). Then it switched to this girl who BROUGHT HER DOG TO VOTE!
Hits Self With Axe (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/04/08 | Reply
I had to gape at the polls today. There were at least ten booths, compared to the usual four, and I was the 861th person to vote in my city's district... when I'm normally under 100 in the mid-afternoon.
People are such slackers when it comes to that stuff.
Be true, be you and of course, be otaku.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 11/04/08 | Reply
OH MY GOD THAT IS SO LAWLZY. Wow, thank you for telling me that. XDDD I am entirely too amused.
(And you're just bitter because my candidate won and you wanted Hillary. XD <3)
Love you too, enjoy your piano lesson! *hugglekiss*
Otacon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/04/08 | Reply
Yeah, I voted this morning, the older ladies there gave me looks that said "Vote Republican or we'll slash your tires :D!" In Gov. class today we saw, ON LIVE INTERWEBS, Obama voting (it tooks 20 minutes and PLENTY of photo ops). After that, it was hilarious, this white girl was following him to shake his hand but he ignored her and shook all of the african americans hands (lawltastic).
Then it switched to Biden (I was surprised he even knew where he was), it took him like 2 seconds (idiot probably chose Republican). Then it switched to this girl who BROUGHT HER DOG TO VOTE!
(I'm a devout Democrat...cant you tell, XD)
Love you
*huggles and kisses*
Off to piano lesson now
I beat up trees. >_>