Smash Brother CHAMPION!!

IT WAS HORRIBLE! i just completled Classic Mode on SSBB on intense!
goodness me it was frightfull!! 100 coins for a total death! D: but finally, i after some terrible button bashing and 50 minutes of my wits being stretched to their total limits... and i beat Masterhand!! finally, after the ending credits, it would usually say "CONGRATULATIONS", but, because of my smash brothers awesomeness and completing it on INTENSE it says "WOW! THATS INCREDIBLE!"
~mallak is proud, mallak will keep practicing on intence so that he is king of online brawls, mallak thinks smash brothers is amazing!!
External Image

Blah Blah Blaahhh

Have You Ever...

pictured your crush naked?: umm... i dunt think so.. o.o

been in love: yuh, i am right now and forever

cried when someone died: I dont think so. It doesnt help, its better to keep spirits up with things like that/

lied: Hasn't everyone?

flowers or candy: Sweets (: flowers dont do it for me..

scruff or clean shaven: oro?

tall or short: I like a short girl (:

With The Opposite Sex...

what do you notice first?: Face and hair streight away/

last person you slow danced with: My friend Christian.. dont ask...

worst question to ask: Does asparagus turn you on?


makes you laugh the most?: Either Lindon, Will, or Christian

makes you smile: Shizuku

gives you a funny feeling when you see them: Shi-chan -makes me fuzzy-

is easier talk to: boys or girls?: makes no difference for me.

Do You Ever...

sit on the internet waiting for someone special to IM you?: ohh yeh.. all the time.. ^^''

save AIM conversations?: Nope..

wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: Sometimes i think it could be a laugh.. for a day..

cry because of something someone has said: Nope.

pray?: yuh

Have You Ever...

fallen for your best friend?: No, unlike every other guy in the world... ¬_¬

rejected someone: dunno

cheated on someone: Nope nope never.

been cheated on: dont think so

done something you regretted: oohhh yeh

wanted to die: not seriously

Who Was The Last Person...

you talked to on the phone: Dad

hugged: Amy.. o.o

you instant messaged: Shi-chan *hugs*

you laughed with: Christian

Do You...

color your hair: Only for facey dress

ever get off the computer: never.. lol

habla espanol: si si (wah?)

sprechen sie deutsches: ja

fight with your parents: Not much

have friends you've lost touch with: yup

feel happy?: Yehh, im rather chilled right now

wish you could fly away.. far, far away?: only if i could take -someone- with me ^_^

believe in God?: yup

could you live without the computer?: probably not.. ^^'

what's your favorite candy?: Rasberryy sweets

whats your favorite fruit?: Pear

sunrise or sunset?: Set

what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?: Physical. I get over emotional quickly

trust others way too easily?: maybe

are your fingers cold?: nope, and i like to warm hers up too.

coke or pepsi: Either or, i dont mind.

Final Questions...

I want: to be really good at violin, really quickly

I wish: for alot of things

I love: grace

I miss: grace

I fear: not having GRACE

I hear: Top Gear

I smell: my living room ^^

I wonder: what kaede was doing with grace when she wrote this quiz before me.


Haha, Shi-chan has just realised that she can guest post on Mallak's world!

Okay, spose she'd better make this worthile..

Why Mallak is amazing

  • He always has this really sweet smile on his face, and always mangaes to make me smile as well ^^
  • He is amazing at music and drama - he is the best saxampohone player that I know and he is really really amazing at drama!!
  • He is just the right shape to sit on and be hugged by and fall asleep upon ^^
  • He makes me smile all the time, mostly without even trying
  • He is so sweet and caring, he is the only one <3

Bwahaha! That is all the hijacking for today ^^ *bows* Goddbye

ALL about me

Hair Color: Light Brown Eye Color: Dark Brown Height: tall..... lol Relationship Status: With someone ^^ Religious Views: Christian Any Siblings?: Big sister Shoe size: 8-9 Where were you born?: Ipswich...

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What a great day!

hehe, mallak had a really dudie day today! Started off rehursing for an concert -with shizu-chan- and which he went to the beach for a swim -with shizu-chan-. Popped back for a shower -with out shizu-chan-... o.o then ran back to be in the concert he was rehursing for about 4 hours earlier -with shizu-chan-. And finally me, mum, dad, oh! and shizu-chan went home for chinese ^^ happy happy! love love! x
~mallak likes music, swimming in the sea, chinese food and really really really likes Shi-chan