It took me some getting used to, but I've got a handle on how this Version Vibrant works. that doesn't mean I don't get monkey wrenched now and then.
Don't get me started on that whole Adult Swim anti-anime thing. I have threads on message boards that go back years with me ranting about how they fudge rating numbers to suit their crappy comedy (and I use that term loosely) over anime.
Not much planned for Halloween for me this year, but I'm having fun anyway.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/26/08 | Reply
It took me some getting used to, but I've got a handle on how this Version Vibrant works. that doesn't mean I don't get monkey wrenched now and then.
Don't get me started on that whole Adult Swim anti-anime thing. I have threads on message boards that go back years with me ranting about how they fudge rating numbers to suit their crappy comedy (and I use that term loosely) over anime.
Not much planned for Halloween for me this year, but I'm having fun anyway.