One guy was so fat, he had his own area code.

- saved on Sun Jan 24 2010 17:37:11 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) -

Allamorph: I got a ways to go yet.

Kyubi Elric: ........

Allamorph: =D

MandaNoel07 In which case, I'm glad I'm not Amish. ._.

Hello Kitty Freak: I thought he would be like 27 or something

SojiRem: Alla: .3.

honeypot877: I'm 15

MandaNoel07 Alla's just a year older than me. :P


TobiShinobii: i wanna merrie my Chris, but he thinks of me as just a friend/almost famlie....

Hello Kitty Freak: SojiRem: awesome

TobiShinobii: Tobi is just a friend

MandaNoel07 Because, I'm 21 in about a month and a half.

SojiRem dances

Allamorph: I act like how I feel like acting, so different people see me as different ages.

DeamonJ left the room. (Logged out)

Hello Kitty Freak: I still got my young years ahead of me

SojiRem: <.< lol Alla

Allamorph: MandaNoel07: Year and a half, then.

honeypot877: I'm almost sweet 16

TobiShinobii: im 16 bout to b 17

MandaNoel07 Oh goodness, I wasn't trying to be specific. :P

SRV: Right now,Alla is 21

SRV: >s

honeypot877: my brothers almost 18

TobiShinobii: already feel like an old maid

Allamorph: No, right now I am 22. =P

TobiShinobii: I DONT HAVE A BF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SRV: one year of experience much? :p

Allamorph: Tobi: SunfallE isn't married and is 38.

MandaNoel07 TobiShinobii: I never had a boyfriend until I was seventeen.

Allamorph: Hush yo'self.

honeypot877: I don't have a BF!!!!!!!!!!

SojiRem: Alla: .3.

Xenesis: >>

Allamorph: DUDE

Allamorph: DUDE

Allamorph: =DDDD

SojiRem: Alla: .3.; did you seriously just say that out loud D< that's not nice

Allamorph grooves to Korn's cover of "Another Brick In The Wall" =D

MandaNoel07 Then that didn't work, and I didn't date again until almost seven months ago.

MandaNoel07 o.O

Warning! You may be kicked for flooding.

TobiShinobii: and yet every lez in the school wants to date me, maby i shoul, my life SUCKS!

Kyubi Elric: XENY!

honeypot877: wow that long

Allamorph: What, so being that old is a bad thing?

Kyubi Elric: XD three days grace

SojiRem: Alla: <.< still not nice to talk of a lady's age ._.

honeypot877: I wish I had a boyfriend

Allamorph: Wrong. It isn't polite to ask them. =P

Xenesis: hey Kyu :D

Allamorph: If they tell you of their own accord, however,

Kyubi Elric: Honeypot: No, you don't.

Kyubi Elric pokes Xeny

Hello Kitty Freak confused on what people are talking about (:-_-)

Allamorph: different story. =P

honeypot877: I don't ?

Xenesis is poked and pokes back XD

TobiShinobii: my grandma keeps trying to get me to date that catholic boy next-door b+c "he has a car and his parents are rich"

Kyubi Elric: Honeypot: They're not so great, you want them to be your best friend, not just a boyfriend :P.

Xenesis: lol

Hello Kitty Freak: bye people

Hello Kitty Freak: gotta go

SRV: wow! grandma

Allamorph: Incidentally,

Hello Kitty Freak left the room. (Logged out)

SojiRem shoots alla <.<

Kyubi Elric Jiggy: pokes Xeny

honeypot877: oh but the guy I like is one of my best friends

Japan86 joined the room.

Allamorph: all y'all people talkin' 'bout datin' stuff need to remember about how much it's gonna matter in a few years.

pomegranate: Japannnnnn

Allamorph: Which is

TobiShinobii: "GET A BF TOBI....WITH A CAR....AND A JOB....OR RICH PARENTS"she says

Kyubi Elric: Honeypot: Then there you have it.

Allamorph: not at all.

Japan86: Frrrruuuuit

SojiRem: Alla: XP

MandaNoel07 Alla's making fun of the way I talk. ;~;

SRV: duh! anticipation builders :s

MandaNoel07 shot

Xenesis: lol

honeypot877: huh?

SojiRem: oh and hihi japan ;D

SojiRem: *:D

Xenesis: poor manda D:

Japan86: boyfriends aren't everything

SRV: n hello Japan

Kyubi Elric: Tobi: Why does the guy need to make all the money?

Allamorph: I talk like this all the dadgum time, what're you on about? =P

TobiShinobii: course my name isnt realy Tobi

Kyubi Elric: Japan's right.

SojiRem: ._.

TobiShinobii: idk

pomegranate: Japan: you should have come to Disneyland YESTERDAY instead of that one time you went ;;

SRV: Boyfriends are everything n a half ;)

SRV is shot

Kyubi Elric: SRV: Nope.

Allamorph doesn't want to be the half a boyfriend o O

MandaNoel07 Allamorph: Wha'chu** >.>

SojiRem lowers gun

MandaNoel07 shot

Japan86: pomegranate: But but Shin was with me last time!!! And shy.....did your performance go well?

honeypot877: I think people should only date if you have feelings towards that person and the other person has the same feelinhgs as u

Kyubi Elric: FOOD IS EVERYTHING!!!!! >:D

MandaNoel07 Well, let me tell you girlies from experience.

TobiShinobii: i h8 my real name with a burnning passion

Japan86: TobiShinobii: That's why nicknames work wonders

honeypot877: so true food is everything

SRV: Amanda sounds old!

TobiShinobii: my mom was an Otaku and named me after her fav commic

Japan86: which is?

Japan86: >>

Xenesis: >_>

SRV: Let me tell you children from experience...[/grandma]

pomegranate: Japan: ;A; performance was full of fail

SojiRem: <____<


TobiShinobii: S------ the Teenage Wicth

Japan86: What happened?

MandaNoel07 Boyfriends are nice to have. They're not everything, but they're a comfort. It's not going to matter, though, if you rush into things and don't wait for someone you're compatible with.

honeypot877 left the room. (Logged out)

Kyubi Elric: .......

honeypot877 joined the room.

Xenesis: ..wb

SojiRem: <.< I just like friends ._.

Allamorph: Incidentally,

Xenesis: i do too.

MandaNoel07 So, it's best to just be patient.

Allamorph: love also takes work.

Kyubi Elric thinks the boyfriend topic is stupid

MandaNoel07 ._.

Allamorph: It doesn't just stay there.

SojiRem: Manda: ._.

Allamorph: You have to keep doing it.

SojiRem: Alla: <.<

Japan86: Sabrina?

pomegranate: lol um we had assumed that we were gonna do a parade type of thing, and then all of a sudden on Friday night they told us we would actually be in a circular stage

Kyubi Elric: alla: That sounded weird.....

Xenesis is taking the impossible quiz so is confused a little XD

TobiShinobii: my grandma was married at 18 and wants me to do the same

honeypot877: I'm proud of myself because there is a box of chocolate next to me and I haven't had one yet

SRV: I like friends + a boy? :p

MandaNoel07 That's true, but you can't just expect the right one to come along on a whim.

Japan86: pomegranate: Yikes

Allamorph: Yep.

pomegranate: So we had to create/learn an entirely new performance the NIGHT BEFORE (we practiced for 4 hours)

Ninja Rukia joined the room.

Ninja Rukia left the room. (Going to time)

Allamorph has never been a fan of the instant relationship stuff

TobiShinobii: dito

Japan86: TobiShinobii: Go away to college and get a degree first

Kyubi Elric can't stand the boyfriend topic anymore DX

Japan86: pomegranate: woooow

Allamorph: XD

MandaNoel07 So you have to wait for it, and when it comes, latch on to it and hold on.

MandaNoel07 ._.

pomegranate: But 4 hours in 1 day isn't really a good way to really understand the material, and they didn't give us time to rehearse beforehand like they promised they would

Kyubi Elric left the room. (Going to Kyubi's Rooom)

TobiShinobii: thats the plan Japan86

SojiRem: .3.

MandaNoel07 That's the only way I know how to describe it.

MandaNoel07 XD

Xenesis left the room. (Going to Kyubi's Rooom)

SRV: "Hold on" >D

SRV is shot for implications

TobiShinobii: i want a degree in music and phycology

pomegranate: So the first half was okay but... towards the middle, there were some pretty bad fail moments haha ;;

AnCiEnT OnE joined the room.

Japan86: TobiShinobii: Once you go to a college faaaaar away they cannot constantly bug you and you can easily ignore them

AnCiEnT OnE left the room. (Going to time)

honeypot877: u all write fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SojiRem <_<

TobiShinobii: New Orlens is where i want to go

SojiRem: ._.

MandaNoel07 We've had a lot of practice. ;D

Japan86: pomegranate: wowww....if I was there I'd snag you and go on the pirates ride

SojiRem: lol

MandaNoel07 type, type, type.

SRV: Out of context typing!

honeypot877: lol

pomegranate: lol Not to mention they didn't mention anything about requirements for dress except to be uniform... and so we showed up with ponytails for all of the girls

TobiShinobii: then i want to move back to Texas

Japan86: typity typity typity

MandaNoel07 I say that, and I'm typing slow today. I'm too tired to type fast.

MandaNoel07 XD

SojiRem shoots SRV

TobiShinobii: i h8 Little Rock

ariesgurl joined the room.

SRV is shot :s

ariesgurl left the room. (Going to Kyubi's Rooom)

honeypot877: wow

TobiShinobii: more than the hole in the wall i came from

pomegranate: but they looked at us and said, "why don't the girls have their hair done?" >___< so we spent 2 HOURS doing our hair in fancy buns and stuff ;;;

SojiRem: .__

SojiRem: *._.

MandaNoel07 cries on Soji

honeypot877: I'm really slow and when I go fast I muk up!

MandaNoel07 ;~;

Japan86: pomegranate: lol

MandaNoel07 I just popped my wrist. ;~;

honeypot877: are u ok?

Japan86: I pop my wrists all the time or they really hurt

honeypot877: does it hurt?

SojiRem heals manda

SRV: Japan86: Same for me

SojiRem nearly typed heels

Allamorph: I pop my wrists when I can and they never hurt unless I am doing certain activities for long periods of time.

deathnotefanatic joined the room.

Japan86: I am getting arthritis in them though

MandaNoel07 I pop my knuckles, but I don't pop my wrists. This hurt.

SojiRem: hello~

MandaNoel07 ;~;

deathnotefanatic left the room. (Going to time)

honeypot877: I fractered mine (I hope I speeled it right)

Japan86: and maybe carpel tunnel

Japan86: dern fries at work

Japan86: those fry baskets are heaaaavy

SRV: honeypot877: too bad you didn't

honeypot877: my mum has carpel tunnel

MandaNoel07 "Oh, Brittany had her baby!! She has a head full of black hair, she's so pretty!!!!"

Allamorph: Already has black hair straight out of the womb?

Japan86: She is not bald like her mom was?

Allamorph: ew

Japan86 shot

SRV: MandaNoel07: Murphy?

SRV: :p

honeypot877: do u all know each other?

Japan86: he she it baby o' doom

TobiShinobii: cuttlefish

MandaNoel07 "I'm glad she's not bald. Bald babies are ugly."

MandaNoel07 I'm insulted.

MandaNoel07 -_-

SojiRem: o_O

Japan86: tommy from rugrats was cute bald

Japan86: >>

SojiRem: O.o

honeypot877: I had s little bit of hair


honeypot877: but my brother came out like a monkey

Japan86: Sorry Manda, I don't follow celebrities

TobiShinobii: i had one curl on top my 4head

SRV: I had hair n a goatee o.0

MandaNoel07 My hair was so blonde and so thin that it looked bald, so they just went ahead and said bald. XD

SRV is shot

SojiRem: lol

MandaNoel07 Japan86: No, Brittany is my friend from High school

MandaNoel07 lol

TobiShinobii: my cosin didnt have hair untill she was 5

redjacketalchemis joined the room.

Japan86: MandaNoel07: neh? I thought you meant brittney spears

redjacketalchemis trips Soji

SRV: MandaNoel07: the pretty girl? >D

SRV: :p

MandaNoel07 I graduated with four Brittany's, Five Amanda's, and three Whitney's.

SojiRem wasn't there and spleen kicks red

SojiRem: lol

honeypot877: ok

redjacketalchemis watches Soji spleen kcik a log.

MandaNoel07 SRV: Remember the one I said reminded me of Foodlove?

redjacketalchemis: kick, even.

SRV: kcik :p

TobiShinobii: my BFF name is Whittney

SojiRem: <.< the log is screaming

SRV: MandaNoel07: thats who I meant

SRV: ;)

honeypot877: my best freind is neonbubble

SojiRem: o_O

SRV has a good memory

honeypot877: I have to go bye

TobiShinobii: my BFFL is this yo-yo

pomegranate forgot about chat ;;;

honeypot877 left the room. (Logged out)

Japan86: It is okay...I am about to forget chat as we speak....I need to finish the kitchen

MandaNoel07 TobiShinobii: Mine is supposed to be Whitney, but for the life of me, I don't know why she tells me this stuff when she knows it ticks me off.

Japan86 went away.

SojiRem: ._.;;

TobiShinobii: im gonna go do stuff

morbo86 jumps on soji and noms

TobiShinobii left the room. (Logged out)


MandaNoel07 The girl in pink is the one getting married.

SRV: o.0

SojiRem: .__.

MandaNoel07 Yea. :/

SojiRem: ._.

morbo86: holy grail! white whale!

SRV: n the groom? o3o

morbo86: im mean

morbo86 disapears again

Allamorph: Wow.

Allamorph: I really do not mean to be insensitive.

Allamorph: But that is a lot of woman.

jimmerlee: XD

MandaNoel07 Well, as I can see, from her pics on myspace she's marrying a whole lot of man too.

MandaNoel07 ._.


MandaNoel07 ^ Girl who had the baby

manlyseakitten joined the room.

SojiRem: ._.

SRV: along with hubby :p

Allamorph: Oh.

Allamorph: I was, like,

Allamorph: that's not a lot of man at all.

manlyseakitten: Ladies

SojiRem: lol

Allamorph: And not even the same woman.

Allamorph: o O

MandaNoel07 lol


jimmerlee: XD

SojiRem: awkward much

SojiRem is shot

SRV: maybe the same never know

SRV: ;)

SRV: medical science is awesome!

SRV is shot


manlyseakitten left the room. (Going to time)

Allamorph: HOLY HELL

jRockstar11385 joined the room.

MandaNoel07 ._.

jRockstar11385 left the room. (Going to Kyubi's Rooom)

SojiRem: ._.

SojiRem: um....

Allamorph: Excuse me.

SojiRem: uh....

Allamorph: Must have been my Tourette's.

RukiaKuchiki09 left the room. (Logged out)

SojiRem: ._.;

Allamorph: Imagining how they'll go about having children, though, is

Allamorph: interesting

morbo86: i bet the sex is.... well

Allamorph: morbo86: Very comfortable.

Allamorph: =P

SRV has a mental image moment :s

jimmerlee: XD

Allamorph: Tell me they won't be driving a Prius.

Allamorph: That would be obscene.

MandaNoel07 ._.

morbo86: the springs wont last long tho me thinks

MandaNoel07 I have no idea.

Allamorph: morbo86: Waterbed.

Allamorph: =D

redjacketalchemis left the room. (Logged out)

morbo86: leaks?

jimmerlee: XD

Allamorph: More like tidal waves.

SRV: That's gonna be a huge wedding!

kittenzy13 joined the room.

SojiRem: <<;;;;

kittenzy13 left the room. (Going to Kyubi's Rooom)

MandaNoel07 You guys make me feel so much better.

MandaNoel07 <3

morbo86: lol soji is freaking out over there

Allamorph: Soji wants to make a joke but can't bring herself to.

SojiRem: >>;;;;;

morbo86: dooooo it soji

SojiRem: ._.;;; I really.... really... really.... <_<;;;; don't know what to say. I don't wanna be mean.

SunfallE joined the room.

Allamorph: Okay.

SojiRem: hey beth

SunfallE: hello

Allamorph: I'll be mean for you, Soji.

MandaNoel07 Hi Beth.

SojiRem: Q_Q;

SRV: :o

Allamorph: That way you won't hvae to,

Allamorph: so it'll average out.


SunfallE just finished putting stuff in the oven to bake for dinner

SRV rolls


Allamorph: XD


Ninja Rukia joined the room.

SunfallE: buttless basement cats.... ._. are mean

SunfallE: XD

SojiRem: <<;;;;;;;;

Ninja Rukia left the room. (Going to time)


SojiRem: >>;;;;;


Allamorph: LAUGH

MandaNoel07 shot

SojiRem: <<;;; ;>>;;;;

SRV laughs

Allamorph: Manda: EAT DAT CAKE NOM NOM NOM



MandaNoel07 I said I ate the cake, but I didn't think anyone caught a picture. O_O

SRV: "you will grow thiiiiiiiiiiiiiin"

MandaNoel07 shot

SunfallE: You guys are awful. lol

narutoKHfighter joined the room.

narutoKHfighter left the room. (Going to time)

SojiRem: <<;;; so mean... >>;;;

morbo86: hey naru

morbo86: bye naru

Allamorph: Beth: you didn't see the happy couple-to-be.

morbo86: lol join us soji!

SojiRem: .__.;;; so mean....

SojiRem: ><;

SunfallE: :p

SunfallE: then give me the link


Allamorph: MAKE A FAT JOKE


SojiRem: <__<;; it's mean....

MandaNoel07 There ya go, Beth. ;D

SRV: Oh wait!how much area does the government allot per individual?I bet they are breaking a few rules there...'em fat ppl!

SunfallE: ah, I see

Allamorph: SRV: Let 'em move to Jersey.

Allamorph: =P

Allamorph: lol Beth

Die Before I Wake joined the room.

SunfallE shrugs

Allamorph: "ah, I see, harrum harrum"

SRV: :s

Die Before I Wake left the room. (Going to Kyubi's Rooom)

SojiRem: <<; so mean ._.;

Die Before I Wake joined the room.

SojiRem: hello

Die Before I Wake: Hi.

jimmerlee: SojiRem: if you knew the girl you wouldn't think it was mean...

MandaNoel07 No, you wouldn't.

Allamorph: oh snap

SojiRem: jim: ._O;

LoveKouichi joined the room.

SunfallE: I was thinking that if they're happy together, being so overweight, isn't the end of the world. lol

SunfallE: not very healthy, but meh

MandaNoel07 That's why I have no qualms with saying anything. <3

SRV: So mean that they wish they were thiiiiiiiin!

Allamorph: Not very healthy???

SRV is shot

Allamorph: How do they figure out how to make babies!

SunfallE: yes, I know

SunfallE: understatement

SunfallE: and basement cat

Allamorph: I mean,

SunfallE whacks

Allamorph: which part goes where,

Allamorph: and how?

Die Before I Wake blinks

SojiRem: <<;; so mean.....

MandaNoel07 LMAO

SunfallE: stop being so awful cat. XD

Allamorph: Unless,

Die Before I Wake: ....Dare I ask what's going on?

SojiRem: .__.;

Allamorph: of course,

Allamorph: Let's just say it'd be very squishy.

morbo86: fat marrage jokes

SRV: n how long does it take to get it right?

SRV is shot again

Allamorph: HAHA

Die Before I Wake: Oh.

MandaNoel07 A girl my sister graduated with is getting married.

jimmerlee: XDD

SojiRem: .-.;

Allamorph: Manda, I hope you save this fracking chat.

MandaNoel07 And I just had it rubbed in my face that she was getting married. ._.

Allamorph: I can't. =P

SojiRem: ._.;

MandaNoel07 Sure thing. You want it?

MandaNoel07 XD

Die Before I Wake: I think marriage is just weird. But if you're into it, go for it.

Allamorph: Absolutely.

Allamorph: Also how in the world is that getting rubbed in your face at all? I just feel kinda bad for them.

MandaNoel07 I'll save it now then.

MandaNoel07 Like this:

firezero8379 joined the room.

Allamorph: It'll take five minutes for him to kiss the bride,

SRV: like firezero? o.0

Allamorph: just for getting to her face.

firezero8379: yes lol

morbo86: just think how long its gonna take to consimate it?

SojiRem: <__<;;;;

Indi joined the room.

SojiRem: ._. lord....

Allamorph: morbo86: They'll need a natural disaster to help them out.

MandaNoel07 "I can't believe you're not married and they're so much younger than you. Not to mention... the difference."

SojiRem cat jumps into Indi's lap

Die Before I Wake: Well, if it's getting rubbed in your face, just say that you're waiting for someone you love, not jumping for the first chance to get married because you don't know if you'll ever get proposed to again.

Allamorph: Yeah, that would be insulting.

Indi: Hello all

Die Before I Wake: I don't know.

Allamorph: I might have smacked someone.

Indi pets the soji cat :p

SRV: It would be a sight when they take the spot :o

morbo86: Allamorph: they are a natural disaster

SRV: n hello Indi

Allamorph: OH SNAP

Indi: Hello, basement brat.

morbo86: soji make a fat joke already!

MandaNoel07 [c=#992ce2][/c]Can't really smack her since she's in another state at the moment.

MandaNoel07 WTF?

MandaNoel07 D<

jimmerlee: XD

jimmerlee: MandaNoel07: you want me to do it for you?

kittenzy13 joined the room.

SunfallE: Hey Indi

kittenzy13 left the room. (Going to Kyubi's Rooom)

Indi: so what in the world are we talking about?

SojiRem: morbo: <_<not on your life

SunfallE points to the evil cat

MandaNoel07 jimmerlee: Go for it.

morbo86: SojiRem: ohhh go on its fun

Die Before I Wake: I wasn't making a fat joke. I was making a joke about how this person seems like someone no one would like.

jimmerlee: XD

Indi: as in about him or, he will explain?

Allamorph: Indi: The happy couple to be.


SRV: "My big,fat american wedding"

SRV: :p

Indi: Oh my.

MandaNoel07 Allamorph: Did you save the image?

MandaNoel07 lmao

Indi: o_O

Allamorph: It's open in a tab.

morbo86: that smile she has is creepy

darKatana joined the room.

SRV: It's a "I m thinner" smile

Allamorph grooves to Collective Soul, "Heavy"

morbo86: its like "yeah this is really gonna happen... oh frick"

MandaNoel07 Well, that's her true nature coming out.

Allamorph: HAHA

Allamorph: XD

darKatana: Hello

Allamorph: "im not tha fat one lolz"

Allamorph: XD

Die Before I Wake: That's a really creeeeeeeepy smile.


morbo86: XD

SRV: "At least the camera covers me"

darKatana left the room. (Going to time)

SojiRem: .__.

SojiRem: ._.

Die Before I Wake: Wow. This is a strange chat conversation.

morbo86: it doesnt fit them both in tho

Die Before I Wake laughs.

Allamorph: Think about family pictures.

Allamorph: Theme song would be I

jimmerlee: XD

Die Before I Wake: What about them?


Allamorph: IN THE MIDDLE


Allamorph: IN THE MIDDLE

MandaNoel07 OMG!!

MandaNoel07 LMAO

SunfallE: brb

SunfallE went away.

SRV: If they have a kid,they can't have a pic of the family together :(

Die Before I Wake: It's "Squeezed in the middle".

SRV is shot

MandaNoel07 Alla, you're awesome. XD

Allamorph: SRV: Widescreen.

SRV: :p

Die Before I Wake: Trust me. Our dog found a plushie CD case that sings that when she bites it.

morbo86: gotta get to the pregnant stage first SRV


firezero8379 left the room. (Logged out)


SRV: morbo86: ;)

MandaNoel07 Well, I'm betting she's already working on getting pregnant, Dave.

MandaNoel07 ._.

MandaNoel07 Judging from past events.

Die Before I Wake: I have a question.

jimmerlee: XD

Dihared joined the room.

Indi doesn't say what comes to mind

morbo86: O.o same method as they use on cows?

Allamorph: Do you now.

Die Before I Wake: What's the significance of the World Rankings in the backroom?

Allamorph: DBIW: Who knows?

Allamorph: =P

As you can see, it was all quite funny. Still so mean. Then again, if you knew the girl, you wouldn't think it was that mean.