Master of Kittehs (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/23/08 | Reply
Hi :3
um.. i was looking on myo at the guestbook signings i had from a while ago.. and i remember urs being there.. so i was wondering if u wanted to still be friends nd stuff XD....
so yea i'm gonna subscribe u :3 it wont let me sign ur gb so sry for spamming ur updates lol XD
congrats on the honor role :3
um.. popularity.. well of course everyone wants to be popular cant deny it lol its not a goal of mine but of course i would like it lol
*nods* People don't truly understand how much it effects you to have your work stolen until it is done to you. To me, I spend hours and hours and put SO much effort and dedication into all my artworks and to have someone just copy, paste, make up an artist statement and then upload MY drawing and than take all the credit for it? Oh bloody hell does it piss me off. And it's often the people who have NOT had their work stolen that will say, "well, you should take it as a compliment since people obviously like your work enough to steal it...wish I was that good." Heh, no no no...the LAST thing I take it as is a compliment. It's more so a sucker punch to the gut because the person who steals it, obviously has NO respect for you, the artist, or the time it took them to do it.
But anyway, I could go off for hours on this subject so I'll shuttup now.XD
So anyway, congrats on the good grades and making the honor roll! Did you get one of those bumper stickers? I remember I had gotten one and my dad refused to put it on his car since he doesn't want to ruin the paint job or the bumper.>_<
How important is popularity? Hm, I guess sorta important but not my life-long goal. lol! I kinda just take it as it comes I guess.
On the Jazz! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/20/08 | Reply
Well to start off, congrates on the honor role! That's pretty awesome. Heh, parent rewards definitely help the motivation I guess. Keep up that good work.
As for the stealing, I don't know... it doesn't piss me off anymore. I know, what a bad thing to say, but I've had my art riped off so many times over on dA. Thing is, I never caught any of it, but Milky and the girls were watching, and they've reported it and flame nailed the people to the wall for me. So I've never really had to do anything about the stuff people have swipped. And heck, I'm sure people have taken plenty of my graphics stuff. Heh, I've even come across someone on myO that was using one of my icons... and it even still said Shanny on it. LOL.
Though I suppose if someone ever took one of my layouts and I found out, then I might actually be motivated to be really mad. Those layouts take days to make and code, so yeah that one might do it.
Heh, Crimson Rose. I don't know who started the much love thing, but I know us snuggle bunnies here on theO have been saying it to each other for years now, so I have a feeling it's just a pop culture phrase that formed like 'cool.'
As for popularity, I've never really strived to be popular, so I don't know. I suppose the people I think of as friends, I sure do hope they like me in return. =P But other than that, people can bite me. Okay, I'm joking, well sorta, heh. Holy crap, I'd better stop typing now before I write you a book.
Good job on your report card ^-^ *high fives* I get almost all A's except for a B that is 87-89% and they don't even raise the score by even a couple little
At least your dad paided for the books.I have to pay for it with my own money.-_-
But I really like your new wallpaper!:D Well all of your wallpapers are amaza-za-zing!!!!!!!!xD lol
But I don't care for popularity.In the "groups" you have to like everyone and you have to be a follower.And sometimes they pick on other people if they don't have the right outfit or what kind of hairstyle the have etc...
Master of Kittehs (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/23/08 | Reply
Hi :3
um.. i was looking on myo at the guestbook signings i had from a while ago.. and i remember urs being there.. so i was wondering if u wanted to still be friends nd stuff XD....
so yea i'm gonna subscribe u :3 it wont let me sign ur gb so sry for spamming ur updates lol XD
congrats on the honor role :3
um.. popularity.. well of course everyone wants to be popular cant deny it lol its not a goal of mine but of course i would like it lol
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/21/08 | Reply
*nods* People don't truly understand how much it effects you to have your work stolen until it is done to you. To me, I spend hours and hours and put SO much effort and dedication into all my artworks and to have someone just copy, paste, make up an artist statement and then upload MY drawing and than take all the credit for it? Oh bloody hell does it piss me off. And it's often the people who have NOT had their work stolen that will say, "well, you should take it as a compliment since people obviously like your work enough to steal it...wish I was that good." Heh, no no no...the LAST thing I take it as is a compliment. It's more so a sucker punch to the gut because the person who steals it, obviously has NO respect for you, the artist, or the time it took them to do it.
But anyway, I could go off for hours on this subject so I'll shuttup now.XD
So anyway, congrats on the good grades and making the honor roll! Did you get one of those bumper stickers?
I remember I had gotten one and my dad refused to put it on his car since he doesn't want to ruin the paint job or the bumper.>_<
How important is popularity? Hm, I guess sorta important but not my life-long goal. lol! I kinda just take it as it comes I guess.
Neko Kouhai (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/21/08 | Reply
Still nothing on the wallpaper stealing then? That site's still ignoring me. *pouts*
Congrats again on the honour roll and your grades! XD
Love Bug =X3
Dark Phoenix
On the Jazz! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/20/08 | Reply
Well to start off, congrates on the honor role! That's pretty awesome. Heh, parent rewards definitely help the motivation I guess. Keep up that good work.
As for the stealing, I don't know... it doesn't piss me off anymore. I know, what a bad thing to say, but I've had my art riped off so many times over on dA. Thing is, I never caught any of it, but Milky and the girls were watching, and they've reported it and flame nailed the people to the wall for me. So I've never really had to do anything about the stuff people have swipped. And heck, I'm sure people have taken plenty of my graphics stuff. Heh, I've even come across someone on myO that was using one of my icons... and it even still said Shanny on it. LOL.
Though I suppose if someone ever took one of my layouts and I found out, then I might actually be motivated to be really mad. Those layouts take days to make and code, so yeah that one might do it.
Heh, Crimson Rose. I don't know who started the much love thing, but I know us snuggle bunnies here on theO have been saying it to each other for years now, so I have a feeling it's just a pop culture phrase that formed like 'cool.'
As for popularity, I've never really strived to be popular, so I don't know. I suppose the people I think of as friends, I sure do hope they like me in return. =P But other than that, people can bite me. Okay, I'm joking, well sorta, heh. Holy crap, I'd better stop typing now before I write you a book.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/20/08 | Reply
*cracks up laughing*
You know that someone truly cares when they brick you like that. -AZ
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/20/08 | Reply
Raina told me about someone stealing your art. That's dirty pool, man D:
Hey, congrats on making the Honor Roll ^^ Heh, it's nice when parents reward with trips to the bookstore =)
Senior Otaku | Posted 04/20/08 | Reply
Good job on your report card ^-^ *high fives* I get almost all A's except for a B that is 87-89% and they don't even raise the score by even a couple little
At least your dad paided for the books.I have to pay for it with my own money.-_-
But I really like your new wallpaper!:D Well all of your wallpapers are amaza-za-zing!!!!!!!!xD lol
But I don't care for popularity.In the "groups" you have to like everyone and you have to be a follower.And sometimes they pick on other people if they don't have the right outfit or what kind of hairstyle the have etc...
Well hope to hear from you soon ^^